Tuesday, November 26, 2019
A report on the macroeconomic policy settings In Australia
A report on the macroeconomic policy settings In Australia Abstract Australia has set up regulatory reforms aimed at improving and promoting its governance. Special attention has been directed towards such aspects as trade, market openness, competition and regulatory management. These reforms have enabled Australia to succeed in weathering the recent global financial crisis.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on A report on the macroeconomic policy settings In Australia specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More These reforms, together with the introduction of robust monetary and fiscal policies, have enhanced growth in the country. Effective trade policies such as dismantling of trade barriers and creation of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) have enhanced greater and faster gains. Some of the major challenges that the country faces include, an increase in terms of trade and an ageing population. In an effort to enhance its economic wellbeing, the government should set macroeconomic policies s uch as economic growth, inflation, unemployment and trade policies. In particular, the government should improve its infrastructural facilities and also promote force labor participation. Introduction It is apparent that the uncertainty that has gripped the world economy is slowly manifesting itself in Australia’s corporate sector, where chief executives are under pressure to put in place measures that will keep their companies afloat in the face of a receding global economy. As a result, every country should make progress towards restoring the macroeconomic stability. In order for macroeconomic stability to be achieved, all the stakeholders should be committed to policy implementation. Australia has made considerable progress in enhancing its long-term economic stability. A vital question is to whether this economic growth can be sustained. This depends on the evolution of the fundamental determinants of economic growth, especially those that have contributed to the most gro wth improvements in recent years (United Nations, Economic and Social Council, United Nations, Office for ECOSOC Support and Coordination, 2004, 107). The following research report focuses on the macroeconomic policy settings, currently being applied in Australia. The report examines aspects such as economic growth policies, unemployment polices, inflation policies and trade, which are currently in use. Economic growth and inflation policies currently being applied in Australia Australia’s economic performance has been impressive, in spite of the recent global financial crisis. The key to this impressive performance has been the adoption of both monetary and fiscal policies in a medium term framework. The setting of these policies has enhanced macroeconomic stability. Monetary policy operates in medium term framework and targets the inflation. It is based on the independence of the central bank as well as the floating exchange regime. Its purpose is to ensure that the rate of inflation is kept low, as much as possible.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More A graph of Australian Economy in the last Three Decades Obtained from: worldgameofeconomics.com The Reserve Bank, commonly referred as the RBA, has the role of maintaining the inflation rate at around 3 % over a trade cycle, while maintaining sound monetary conditions. To achieve this objective, the RBA compares the current inflation predicts with a specified inflation rate. Since 1993, the RBA has adopted an explicit inflation targeting approach (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2010, 49). Fiscal policy in Australia is aimed at balancing the budgetary deficits over a trade cycle. Fiscal policy thus, provides the investors and consumers with a high degree of confidence in spite of the recent economic crisis. In Australia, the fiscal policy helped to balance the bud getary deficit in 1997-1998. Between 198-1999, the fiscal policy moved the Australian finance into surplus. The fiscal policy is currently aimed at further improving the government’s finances (International Monetary Fund, 2006, 9-14). Other than using the monetary and fiscal policies in enhancing its economic growth, the Australian government has also set up regulatory reforms aimed at improving and promoting its governance. The government has advocated for credible and transparent macroeconomic frameworks. The structural reforms have resulted to greater flexibility in exchange rates and a better anchoring of the monetary policy. Structural reforms have also provided the central bank with greater credibility in maintaining low rates of inflation (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Australia, 2010, 99-100). The appreciation of the Australian dollar over the last decade has also enhanced the country’s economic growth. Stiff competition among the vario us financial intermediaries has led to a continued reduction of interest rate margins. The economic growth in Australia is aimed at reducing the unemployment rates in the future (Sloman, Norris, Garratt, 2010, 287-345).Advertising We will write a custom report sample on A report on the macroeconomic policy settings In Australia specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More A graph illustrating Australia’s GDP growth Obtained from: bilbo.economicoutlook.net Unemployment polices currently being applied in Australia The recent global economic crisis has stretched well beyond Australia. It has seen millions of workers across the globe being laid off. Globally, unemployment crisis has become a vast human tragedy (Bell, 2000, 1). The Australian government has laid sound policies that are aimed at attaining full employment. The Australian government has been forced to revise its past unemployment policies, with a view of achieving full employme nt. With this regards, the Skills for the Future Inquiry and the Review of South Australian Employment Programs have been set in order to tackle the unemployment crisis. Other policies and strategies that have been undertaken by the Australian government in tackling the unemployment challenges include: the South Australian Strategic Plan, Prosperity through people, Better Skills, Better Work, Better State Strategy and Skills Strategy for South Australia’s Future among others. These strategies have played an important role in creating a high-skill economy, enhancing access to quality employment and superior workforce planning. According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation Development (2010), Australia has gone further in addressing the unemployment crisis than any other country in Asia-Pacific region. However, the country faces a major challenge with regards to an ageing population. It is estimated that the Australia’s working-age population grows by approxima tely 200,000 annually. The ageing population can slow the economic growth as only a small percentage of population in work is forced to support those too old to work. In combating the negative effects of population ageing, the country has set up such measures as enhancing productivity e.t.c. (Emerson, C.2006, 35). A graph of Australia’s inflation and unemployment from 1995 to date Obtained from: aussiestockforums.comAdvertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Trade policies currently being applied in Australia Trade and investment have been major driving forces behind Australia’s economic prosperity and growth. More than 2 million jobs in the country are directly or indirectly connected to imports and exports. Currently, mining is the main economic activity in Australia. The country usually gets bigger and faster gains by allowing regional free trade between its neighbors. A chart illustrating Australia’s export Obtained from: dfat.gov.au The country’s trade policy is aimed at dismantling the trade barriers with a view of generating immediate gains. This move has enhanced people’s initiative and exchange. Australia strongly supports the World Trade Organization as the main medium for international trade liberalization. In 2001, the Australian government launched the multilateral trade objective during the Doha round of trade negotiations. The round is aimed at reducing trade barriers and also to Promote Aust ralian goods and services internationally. Australian government has thus encouraged the World Trade Organization to fully participate in the round of trade negotiations. In addressing fluctuations of prices of agricultural products in international market, Australian government joined other nations in forming the Cairns Group. This group focuses on achieving positive outcomes on agricultural products. Some of the progress that has been achieved so far includes elimination of trade barriers for agricultural products and creation of export subsidies, among others (Gangopadhyay Chatterji, 2005, 13). Australia is also a strong supporter of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), group which is aimed at enhancing cooperation, economic growth and prosperity in the region. The group ensures that there is free trade and open trade in the wider Asia-Pacific region. In meeting its objectives, the group leaders have acted to improve security in the region. Economic prosperity cannot be attained without adequate security and thus, the group leaders during a meeting that was held in 2003, proposed the need of enhancing the regional security. With this regards, the APEC group leaders are vested with the responsibility of countering terrorism and securing trade (Yamazawa, 2000, 1). In an effort to promote its goods and services internationally, Australia negotiates Free Trade Agreements (FTAs), with its key trading partners. FTAs play an important role of opening up all trade in goods, providing an environment that is conducive for trade and investment and negotiating trade deals for member countries. Australia alliance relationship with New Zealand is important as far as trade and investment are concerned. The Australia New Zealand economic relations began in the early 1980s. Both countries signed the Australia New Zealand Closer Economic Relations (CER) agreement, which supports all the trans-Tasman trade and investments of both countries. Australia has also formed Free Trade Agreements with other countries across the globe such as the United States, Singapore and Thailand (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2005, 77). Australia’s Balance of Payment Obtained from: agsm.edu.au Conclusions and Recommendations The current macroeconomic performances have proved to be impressive. The country has succeeded in achieving economic growth and prosperity in the face of the global recession. Macroeconomic performances have also resulted to a fall in the unemployment rate to around 6 %. Also, the rate of inflation has remained relatively low making Australia to be one of the few OECD countries with improved standards of living. However, the country faces a short term challenge of managing the adverse effects of rise of prices of goods and services in the past few years. The increase in commodities price has in turn increased the terms of trade. The government also faces long term challenge of labor supply following the population ageing. In addressi ng these challenges, the government should consider enhancing efficiency of its services by clarifying responsibilities and improving cooperation in key sectors of the economy such as agriculture and mining. Similarly, the government can enhance productivity by up-skilling the workforce, improving infrastructural facilities such as road networks among others. To address the effects of ageing population on labor supply, the government should promote labor force participation to notable groups such as women, disabled, single parents and the old. Also, monetary and fiscal expansion should be carefully kept in check. Reference List Australian Bureau of Statistics., 2005. Year book, Australia, Issue 87. Canberra: Aust. Bureau of Statistics. Bell, S., 2000. The unemployment crisis in Australia: which way out? Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Emerson, C., 2006. Vital signs, vibrant society: securing Australias economic and social wellbeing. New South Wales: UNSW Press. Gangopadhyay, P Chatterji, M., 2005. Economic globalization in Asia. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing Ltd. International Monetary Fund., 2006. Australia: selected issues. Washington: International Monetary Fund. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development., 2010. Australia: towards a seamless national economy. Paris: OECD Publishing. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Australia., 2010. Towards a seamless national economy. Paris: OECD Publishing. Sloman, J., Norris, K. Garratt, D., 2010. Principles of Economics: Edition3. New Jersey: Pearson Education Australia. United Nations, Economic and Social Council, United Nations, Office for ECOSOC Support and Coordination., 2004. Supporting Africas efforts to achieve sustainable development: dialogues at the Economic and Social Council. New York: United Nations Publications. Yamazawa, I., 2000. Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC): challenges and tasks for the twenty-first century. London: Routledge.
Friday, November 22, 2019
How to Name a Dinosaur
How to Name a Dinosaur Most working paleontologists dont get the opportunity to name their own dinosaur. In fact, for the most part, paleontology is a somewhat anonymous and tedious occupationthe typical PhD candidate spends most of her days laboriously removing encrusted dirt from newly discovered fossils. But the one chance a field worker really gets to shine is when he or she discoversand gets to namea brand-new dinosaur. (See The 10 Best Dinosaur Names, The 10 Worst Dinosaur Names, and the Greek Roots Used to Name Dinosaurs) There are all sorts of ways to name dinosaurs. Some of the most famous genera are named after prominent anatomical features (e.g., Triceratops, Greek for three-horned face, or Spinosaurus, the spiny lizard), while others are named according to their presumed behavior (one of the most famous examples is Oviraptor, which means egg thief, even though the charges later turned out to be overblown). A bit less imaginatively, many dinosaurs are named after the regions where their fossils were discoveredwitness the Canadian Edmontosaurus and the South American Argentinosaurus. Genus Names, Species Names, and the Rules of Paleontology In scientific publications dinosaurs are usually referred to by their genus and species names. For example, Ceratosaurus comes in four different flavors: C. nasicornus, C. dentisulcatus, C. ingens and C. roechlingi. Most ordinary people can get by with just saying Ceratosaurus, but paleontologists prefer to use both the genus and species names, especially when describing individual fossils. More often than you might think, a species of a particular dinosaur is promoted to its own genusthis has happened numerous times, for instance, with Iguanodon, some former species of which are now referred to as Mantellisaurus, Gideonmantellia and Dollodon. According to the arcane rules of paleontology, a dinosaurs first official name is the one that sticks. For example, the paleontologist who discovered (and named) Apatosaurus later discovered (and named) what he thought was an entirely different dinosaur, Brontosaurus. When it was determined that Brontosaurus was the same dinosaur as Apatosaurus, official rights reverted back to the original name, leaving Brontosaurus as a deprecated genus. (This sort of thing doesnt only happen with dinosaurs; for example, the prehistoric horse formerly known as Eohippus now goes by the less user-friendly Hyracotherium.) Yes, Dinosaurs Can Be Named After People Surprisingly few dinosaurs are named after people, perhaps because paleontology tends to be a group effort and many practitioners dont like to call attention to themselves. Some legendary scientists, though, have been honored in dinosaur form: for example, Othnielia is named after Othniel C. Marsh (the same paleontologist who caused the whole Apatosaurus/Brontosaurus brouhaha), while Drinker wasnt a prehistoric alcoholic, but a dinosaur named after the 19th-century fossil hunter (and Marsh rival) Edward Drinker Cope. Other people-saurs include the amusingly named Piatnitzkysaurus and Becklespinax. Perhaps the most widely recognized people-saur of modern times is Leaellynasaura, which was discovered by a married pair of paleontologists in Australia in 1989. They decided to name this small, gentle ornithopod after their young daughter, the first time a child had ever been honored in dinosaur formand they repeated the trick a few years later with Timimus, an ornithomimid dinosaur named after the husband of this famous duo. (In the past few years, there have been many more dinosaurs named after women, correcting a long-time historical imbalance.) The Silliest, and Most Impressive, Dinosaur Names Every working paleontologist, it seems, harbors the secret desire to come up with a dinosaur name so impressive, so profound, and so just-plain-cool that it results in reams of media coverage. Recent years have witnessed such unforgettable examples as Tyrannotitan, Raptorex and Gigantoraptor, even if the dinosaurs involved were less impressive than you might think (Raptorex, for example, was only about the size of a full-grown human, and Gigantoraptor wasnt even a true raptor, but a plus-sized relative of Oviraptor). Silly dinosaur namesif theyre within the bounds of good taste, of coursealso have their place in the hallowed halls of paleontology. Probably the most famous example is Irritator, which received its name because the paleontologist restoring its fossil was feeling, well, particularly irritated that day. Recently, one paleontologist named a new horned, frilled dinosaur Mojoceratops (after the mojo in the expression Ive got my mojo working), and lets not forget the famous Dracorex hogwartsia, after the Harry Potter series, which was named by pre-teen visitors to the Childrens Museum of Indianapolis!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Unit 4 Individual Project - Present Risks to ODHS Project Essay
Unit 4 Individual Project - Present Risks to ODHS Project - Essay Example (JordaÃŒÆ'o, B., 2010) This is the point of divergent compared to the role of quality management. Quality management lays emphasis on the standards involved in the process, the process itself as well as the techniques that are involved in to ensure that quality is achieved in the whole process. This brings to clarity the understanding that risk management would portray a more direct focus on potential risk associated with the execution of the project while the quality management is principally concerned with the broader management efforts. This makes quality management to be more of overall determination of the project quality as a whole. This study will try to explore the aspects of the projects management that are relevant and would be important for adoption in the project at hand. To this end, the study will attempt to identify fundamental aspects of risk management and project quality management. This aspect will form the ground for evaluation of Ohio Department of Human Services (ODHS) The basic components of a quality management are quality assurance, quality control as well as quality planning. Quality planning acts as the main way of assisting in identification of quality standards that would be relevant for the project in place. This is the most relevant stage to any organization that intends to implement a project. The case of ODHS would be well managed at this stage. First of all, the project has been able to identify that the project lacks two network engineers and a business analyst who would be responsible for project documentation. They have further identified that the existing budget plan is not able to cover the anticipated 20% increase in licensing for one of the key candidate products under consideration. This is one step that the company would be able to exploit in order to get to the desired goal of delivering it’s services to its clients. First and foremost, lack of business analyst
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
A) what are the main attractions of an import substitution strategy Essay
A) what are the main attractions of an import substitution strategy B)how do you explain that several developing countries have not suceeded to deepen the proc - Essay Example Proponents favour the export of industrial goods over primary products. The strategy may be adopted as a matter of economic policy and to attain industrialisation. In such context, Wikipedia (2006) said: â€Å"Import substitution industrialization (also called ISI) is a trade and economic policy based on the premise that a developing country should attempt to substitute products which it imports, mostly finished goods, with locally produced substitutes. The theory is similar to that of mercantilism in that it promotes high exports and minimal imports to increase national wealth.†It further said, the policy has three major tenets: (1) an active industrial policy to subsidize and orchestrate production of strategic substitutes, (2) protective barriers to trade (namely, tariffs), and (3) a monetary policy that keeps the domestic currency overvalued. Hence import substitution policies are not favoured by advocates of absolute free trade. The failure of several developing countries of not having succeeded to deepen the process of import substitution into its second and third phase could be attributed to the defect of the strategy as determined by results. The experiences of several developing countries are thus cited below to explain the failure. We will start with the Latin American countries, followed by East Asia and then we will discuss the cases of Malaysia and the Philippines. Wikipedia (2006) said: â€Å"Import substitution policies were adopted by most nations in Latin America in the 1930s and 1940s because of the Great Depression of the 1930s. In the 1950s the Argentine economist and UNECLA head Raà ºl Prebisch was a visible proponent of the idea. Prebisch believed that developing countries needed to create forward linkages domestically, and could only succeed by creating the industries that used the primary products
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Database Technology Essay Example for Free
Database Technology Essay Objectives of the course: †¢ This course aims to provide continuum to where the first course of databases left off. Design aspects of relational databases are covered. †¢ Complex data models like OO OR parallel and distributed are introduced. †¢ The course provides students a good overview of the ideas and the techniques, which are behind recent developments in the fields of data warehousing and Online Analytical Processing (OLAP). 1. Overview Review of relational database systems, ER diagram, SQL. 2. Integrity and Security Domain constraints; referential integrity, assertions; triggers; triggers and Assertions in SQL. Security and Authorization; Authorization in SQL. 3. Relational Database Design First Normal form; pitfalls in relational database design, functional dependencies; decomposition. Desirable properties of decomposition. Boyce – Code normal form; 3rd and 4th normal form. Mention of other normal forms. 4. The ER Model Revisited Motivation for complex data types, User Defined Abstract Data Types And Structured Types, Subclasses, Super classes, Inheritance, Specialization and Generalization, Relationship Types of Degree Higher Than Two. 5. Object-Oriented Object relational databases Object Identity, Object Structure, and Type Constructors, Encapsulation of Operations, Methods, and Persistence, Type Hierarchies and Inheritance, Type extents and Queries, Database Design For An ORDBMS Nested Relations and Collections; Storage And Access methods, Overview of SQL3. 6. Parallel and Distributed Databases Parallel Query Evaluation; Parallelizing Individual Operations, Sorting, Joins; Distributed Database Concepts, Data Fragmentation, Replication, and Allocation techniques for Distributed Database Design; Query Processing in Distributed Databases; Concurrency Contr ol and Recovery in Distributed Databases. 7. Enhanced Data Models for Advanced Applications. (Overview and Design issues) Temporal Databases; Spatial Databases Geographic Information Systems, Mobile Databases. 8. Data Warehousing and OLAP. a) Data Warehouse Basics: Data Warehouse (DW) Introduction Overview; Data Marts, DW components; Data warehouse architecture; ETL Data Transformation – Extracting, Conditioning, cleansing, Scrubbing, Merging, etc., b) OLAP: Multi-dimensional modeling Fact table, dimensions, measures, examples; Schema Design – Star and Snowflake; OLAP OLAP Vs OLTP, ROLAP, MOLAP, HOLAP; tools. OLAP Operations – Rollup, Drill-down, Dice slice, pivot. Text Books: 1. Elmasri and Navathe, â€Å"Fundamentals of Database Systems†, Pearson Education 2. Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gerhke, â€Å"Database Management Systems†McGraw Hill 3. Kimball, Ralph; Reeves, Laura et al Data warehouse Lifecycle Toolkit: expert methods for designing, developing, and deploying data warehouses Wiley publications. References: 1. Korth, Silberchatz, Sudarshan, â€Å"Database System Concepts†McGraw Hill 2. C.J.Date, Longman, â€Å"Introduction to Database Systems†, Pearson Education 3. Paulraj Ponnian, â€Å"Data Warehousing Fundamentals†, John Wiley. Term Work Term work shall consist of at least 10 assignments/programming assignments and one written test. Marks 1. Attendance (Theory and Practical) 05 Marks 2. Laboratory work (Experiments and Journal) 10 Marks 3. Test (at least one) 10 Marks The final certification and acceptance of TW ensures the satisfactory performance of laboratory Work and Minimum Passing in the term work. Suggested Experiment List 1. At least one or two review SQL assignments covering triggers, assertions and authorizations. 2. Object Oriented Queries 3. Case study assignments for OO and OR database. 4. Two mini projects in distributed and parallel databases. 5. Hands on any one good warehousing tool (Oracle/SQL server Analysis tool etc.) 6. A full fledged mini project in which a student will design and implement a data warehouse. The data warehouse must be populated and OLAP queries and operations to be demonstrated for the warehouse.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
energy for 1999 :: essays research papers
Total world carbon dioxide emissions from the consumption of petroleum, natural gas, and coal, and the flaring of natural gas increased from 5.873 billion metric tons of carbon equivalent in 1990 to 6.144 billion metric tons in 1999, or by 4.6%. (Carbon dioxide emissions are measured in metric tons of carbon equivalent. Tons of carbon equivalent can be converted to tons of carbon dioxide gas by multiplying by 3.667. One ton of carbon equivalent equals 3.667 tons of carbon dioxide gas.) The United States, China, Russia, Japan, and India produced 51% of the world's total carbon dioxide emissions from the consumption and flaring of fossil fuels in 1999. Germany, the United Kingdom, Canada, Italy, and Franceâ€â€ogether produced 12%. Petroleum accounted for 44% of the carbon dioxide emissions; coal, 35%; and natural gas, 21%. Between 1990 and 1999, energy production and consumption increased in every region of the world except in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet bloc. East Asia a nd Oceania saw a production increase of 13.6 quadrillion Btu, and a consumption increase of 24.9 quadrillion Btu. Energy production in the Middle East increased by 12.1 quadrillion Btu, the second-largest increase for any region, while consumption increased 5.3 quadrillion Btu. Energy production in Central and South America increased by 8.2 quadrillion Btu, while consumption rose by 6.2 quadrillion Btu. In North America, energy production rose by 7.1 quadrillion Btu, and consumption increased 15.6 quadrillion Btu. Energy production in Western Europe rose by 5.8 quadrillion Btu, and consumption increased by 6.6 quadrillion Btu. Energy production in Africa increased by 5.2 quadrillion Btu, while consumption rose 2.4 quadrillion Btu. In Eastern Europe and the former USSR production declined 22.9 quadrillion Btu and consumption dropped 25.3 quadrillion Btu.In 1999, the United States, Russia, and China were the leading producers and consumers of energy, producing 38%, and consuming 41%, of the world's energy. The United States, Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, and Canada were the five largest producers of energy in 1999, supplying 47.9% of the world's total. The United States supplied 72.3 quadrillion Btu of primary energy; Russia, 41.5 quadrillion Btu; and China, 30.9 quadrillion Btu. The next leading producersâ€â€the United Kingdom, Iran, Norway, India, and Mexicoâ€â€together supplied 13.1% of the world's energy. The United States, China, Russia, Japan, and Germany were the largest consumers in 1999, using 49.9% of world energy. Canada, India, France, the United Kingdom, and Brazil together used an additional 14%.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
The Role of America at the End of World War II
The role of America at the end of World War II was where the origins of policing the world originate. America had been engaged in a very costly war in terms of dollars as well as lives. But, despite the expense the United States came out of World War II better than any other nation that was involved. The Second World War was a battle between the Allied and Axis Powers. The Allied Powers consisted of the United States, Great Britain, the Soviet Union, China, and France. This war was seen as the fight against Nazi Germany, and therefore resulted in a majority of the battles fought on German and Russian soil. The aftermath left the Soviet Union in bad shape. Close to twenty million Russians had died fighting the war, which accounted for about eight percent of their population. Conversely, none of the fighting was done on American soil, and while the United States suffered in terms of casualties it was nothing compared to the loss Russia had endured. Because the war would not end ! until the Axis Powers fully surrendered to the Allied Powers, the United States was forced to use the first atomic warfare in history. The atom bomb would later serve as America's greatest possession. Stalin, the Premier of the Soviet Union had always distrusted the American and English intentions. Because of Stalin's aggression and attitude pertaining to Soviet influence on Europe, the postwar stance on Russia had turned into a standoff. This became the origin of the Cold War. The Cold War, seen as a battle between communism and capitalism, was â€Å"in reality a more complex struggle over a broad range of ideological, economic, and strategic issues. †(Henretta, 868) Over the next several years the United States would spend more money on military and defense than ever before. Several measures were taken to ensure that the same mistakes at the end of World War I would not be repeated. The first in a series of measures was a postwar conference involving President Truman and the Soviet Foreign Minister, V. M. Molokov, where Truman controlled the entire meeting and basically scolded the Soviet's for not honoring agreements on Poland. Truman â€Å"told the Russians just where the got off and generally bossed the whole meeting. †(Henretta, p. 869) This symbolized America's strong-arm stance against communism and signified the position we would hold throughout the Cold War. The next step in Truman's agenda was to work with Congress to pass the National Security Act of 1947, which was designed to strengthen defense operations. This act created a single Department of Defense, and created the Central Intelligence Agency, or CIA. These two new agencies acted as the first step in atomic warfare management. Continuing to act as police of the world and leader of capitalism, Truman drafted the Marshall Plan. The Marshall Plan, which complemented the Truman Doctrine, â€Å"was a program of large scale economic and military aid to Europe. †(Heretta, p. 71) Considered by some, this was the most â€Å"innovative piece of foreign policy in American History. Where over the next four years the United States contributed over $12 billion to a highly successful recovery effort. †(Heretta, p. 874) The Soviet Union stilled commanded a blockade on highway, rail, and river traffic to West Berlin. As a result, the United States responded by entering into a peacetime military alliance; this being the first time since the American Revolution. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) a project costing $1. 3 billion, enabled the basing of all four United States Army divisions into Western Europe. Twelve nations agreed to sign this pact that stated â€Å"an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all. †(Henretta, p. 875) Consequently, a few months later, Stalin â€Å"lifted the blockade which had made the city a symbol of resistance to communism. †(Henretta, p. 875) Between the creation of NATO, the National Security Act and CIA, and the Marshall Plan, America was dictating their position with Russia and communism. These measures made it possible for Americans to become more comfortable with the Cold War. While all of these governmental policies were being put into action, Americans were settling back into the ideology of family and free enterprise. The post-war period became one of the most exciting in American history. With the rising economy and feeling of consumerism, Americans were rebounding from their efforts in World War II. Capitalism was on the rise and the â€Å"Apple Pie†portrait of middle class suburban families was shaping the country. America was now the wealthiest country in the world and Americans had â€Å"accumulated savings of $140 billion†in 1945. Over the next two decades the gross national product more than tripled,†(Henretta, p. 904) signifying prosperity. Between 1945 and 1960, the gross national product would grow from $213 billion to more than $500 billion, while real income would rise 25 percent. Included in these figures was the percent of American families owning homes, which grew from 43 percent to over 60 percent in this same time period; this created the suburban explosion. This suburban lifestyle was intended to symbolize the superiority of capitalism over communism and imply that the American way of life would win the Cold War. (Henretta, p. 903) Americans were again beginning to see the capitalist society they fought for, and the confidence level of the country continued to rise throughout the 1960's. The people cannot create a great nation themselves; great leaders must direct them. Besides the three Presidents who led America throughout the end of World War II and through the Cold War, there were many influential voices that helped to shape the views of the public. Among these influential people was a man named George F. Kennan. He was a member of the United States embassy to the Soviet Union and author of the â€Å"long telegram†which was sent to the heads of state in Washington D. C. In his telegram, Kennan described the Soviets as insecure, inferior, and less advanced than Americans. â€Å"As Russia came into contact with the economically advanced West, fear of more competent, more powerful, more highly organized societies,†(Gorn, p. 229) was the general message Kennan was trying to get across. Because he saw the country from the inside Kennan also believed the United Sates should †pursue a policy of firm containment†¦ t every point where the Soviets show signs of encroaching upon the interest of a peaceful and stable world. †(Henretta, p. 870) This opinion and idea of the relationship between the United States and Russia should have been widely accepted by Americans. They backed this idea of aggressive behavior, rather than a passive approach to the Cold War. Conversely, postwar liberal such as Henry Wallace, â€Å"a Progressive Party leader, continued to seek cooperation with the Soviet Union and defended the participation of Communists in their organizations. (Henretta, p. 885) These ideals were quickly silenced. The American majority, being extremely anti-communist, felt relations with the Soviet Union should be harsh and firm. This period introduced American dominance in foreign policy. The ideals of personal freedom and opportunity were the driving forces behind Western philosophy throughout the Cold War. Not only were these principles showcased, they were set as the benchmark of equality for the human race.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
How to have a relationship Essay
? A relationship is a way of connecting. The connection could be between people or objects. Listening to my grandmother talk about relationships helped me understand how things have completely changed over times. My grandmother stated that relationships where more valued back then and people stayed together for all the right reasons. She informed me that when you loved someone you loved them like no other. When it came to marriage they lasted longer than they do now. Having a relationship with someone was the thing to do. At one time relationships actually had meaning people were with each other because they loved them. This showed me the commitment part of relationships, when people actually stayed faithful to the person they were with. Nowadays men and woman say I love you just for the fun of it. But be honest everyone you know or knew either ant’s a relationship, has a relationship or has played a role in one either as the main lover or the sideline. Relationships are complicated, complex commitments that we take seriously or play around with like a rag doll. Serious relationships start from the mind knowing what it is that you want how you want it and how you’re going to get it is the first step in committing to a relationship. Yes commitment can be very hard to do. Especially when were accustomed to doing things our own way; without having to answer to someone else. Understanding the person you are trying to commit to is a good way to start a serious relationship. It is important to gather as much information as possible and take as much time as needed to ensure that you know the person that you are in a relationship with. Taking the steps and looking at past relationships can help you understand if the relationship might be what you are looking for in life. It is true that no matter how long you have known a person you may never truly know who that person really is. It is also important to know what we want before committing ourselves in. Whether that relationship is a marriage or just a boyfriend/ girlfriend committing to someone should begin with feelings being involved. Relationships become complicated when you have disagreements, other people etc. I feel that it takes two to make a relationship work and if both parties are not commented then it will never work. It’s like the eighty-twenty rule which explains that one person is giving there all and all and the other person only gives what is necessary at that time. How can a relationship work if both parties are not on the same level and are not committed to each other? Complicating in relationships come from problems that we cause ourselves, from not committing or giving our all to the relationship. As for myself I’ve had a few relationships in my day. Some good ones and then some that I would give anything to take back and wish that I had never committed myself to. Not saying that you would have the same outcome as I did but just make sure that the love is real. If we go into a relationship knowing that we are not there for a long time then it makes the relationship less complicated. In these type situations just make sure that you inform the person with how you feel before going into the relationship. It is important to have a clean understanding of what each party wants. Having false feelings in a relationship can be the most hurtful thing when you actually find out so therefore try to avoid coming into these situations. Communication is a huge part of a serious successful relationship. Communicating with your partner is a very good stress reliever and understanding method. Having communication builds trust and loyalty, which are two other things that are very important in a relationship. When a person is in a relationship they expect their partner to be understanding, have good listening skills and be there when they need you. Sometimes it’s just best to sit back and listen to what the other person had to say. You never know what you might learn about your partner if you just listen. Always remember to keep the lines of communication open throughout the relationship. For me, I think that one of my biggest downfalls in previous relationships is the lack of communication between my partner and me. I also have problems with my partner not being able to support himself and maybe even helping me every now and then, don’t get me wrong I’m not asking him to take care of me in no means what so ever but help every now and then would be good. As I did research on the topic of relationships, I learned that there are several steps that can be taken to have a successful relationship. First it is important to ensure that you trust your partner. Does your partner’s communication lift you just to bring you right back down? How do you and your partner deal with conflict in your relationship? Do you have compatible financial values? When you are thinking about starting a new relationship think about some of these questions. They might help you to understand the relationship better and if that’s what you really want. Maintaining a trusting and lasting relationship is going to require some work on both sides and especially in these times. As long as there is trust and communication between both parties then there is a good chance that the relationship will work. I plan to take my time and know the person that I intend to be in a serious relationship with. I don’t want to hurt anyone and I definitely don’t want to be hurt. I look forward to finding love one day that is meaningful and lasting but until then I will continue to inform my partner how I feel and what I am looking for in the beginning. I will ensure the line of communication stays open.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Apathy of Generation X Essays - Elections, Ross Perot, Bob Dole
The Apathy of Generation X Essays - Elections, Ross Perot, Bob Dole The Apathy of Generation X Subject: Political Science Title: The Apathy of Generation X For the past 25 years it has been wondered why the young people of America have shared the same apathetic attitude towards politics as the older generation of Americans. Indeed, the issues concerning young voters are just as important as those concerning older voters. Why the newest voters choose to abstain their right has long been studied. While it has been proven that the vote of young people can make or a break an election, most candidates are reluctant to relate themselves to young people. When that Tuesday in November comes, young people choose not be heard, assuring themselves future neglect by the part of elected officials. There are reasons that young people do not vote, or get involved in political actions. They range from apathy to just plain not having enough time. One of the larger reasons is that most candidates are much older then those 18-25. This would put the generation gap in between candidates and the youthful voters. A 19 year old Trinity College student remarks about Bob Dole, I think he is making himself look older by speaking about certain issues we (young people) can not relate to. When asked to give an example the student stated, "he made a reference to World War I, I thought he was going to say he fought in that one too!" (www.mtv.com/chooseorlose). While Bob Dole is a isolated instance, many youthful voters feel that there is a ever growing distance between them and the older generations. Another reason that young people are turning away is lack of education towards politics. While this could be said for any age group, it seems to be more prevalent in younger people. The lifestyle of younger people does not allow for a everyday exposure to politics as those of a older generation. Thomas Banks, a 19 year old student, when asked why he was not watching the 1992 Presidential Debates responded, "I guess because I don't really see what's going on at college. I feel pretty isolated. It doesn't seem as important to me as studying. I guess". Although not in a career yet, the life of a student is proving to be just as busy as those in the older generations. People in the full time labor are not the only ones who can use a hassle-full life as an excuse not to get involved. There is another major reason that young people feel isolated and set apart from the political world. For those who take the time to educate themselves, and to participate in what activities they can; they soon find that the major candidates have paid little, if any attention to the issues that effect young people the most. Chris Weinkopf, associate editor of National Review, when speaking about how Bill Clinton and Bob Dole are talking to young voters said, "I think both of them are really just paying lip service to young people in the way they address issues" (www.mtv.com/issues.html). When young voters make themselves heard in an election, they can turn the outcome like no other age group can. Even with minimal turn-out on the part of 18-25 year olds. Elections have been won or lost because of who young people do or do not support. In 1992, 50% of registered voters under the age of 30 turned out to vote. In that election, Bill Clinton received 50% of the under 30 vote (Bush received 30%, Perot 20%). Clintons 20% margin of victory in the young people vote was his largest in any age group and may have very well put him in the White House. Since John Andersons independent run at the White House in 1980, young people have been the strongest supporters for those outside the two party system. Now in 1996, even though Ross Perot has a dismal 5% overall, his support amongst the younger voters is in the double digits. There are many things that will make young people get involved. The biggest thing that gets the attention of youthful voters is the same thing that gets the attention of older voters, money. When the financial status of a young person is threatened, they are more likely to get involved in political activities. Issues such as student loans, tax cuts, minimum wage and Pell Grant minimums are issues that turn the heads of younger voters. Other issues that effect young people and make them get involved include birth control, use of tobacco products and A.I.D.S. research to name a few more. In 1991, Montanas state Legislature enacted a unique referendum.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Sample Letter of Recommendation for an Internal Promotion
Sample Letter of Recommendation for an Internal Promotion SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Beyond helping someone get an initial hire, recommendation letters can also go a long way toward assisting someone with an internal promotion. If the promotion involves moving into a position of leadership, then a great rec letter from a supervisor or colleague can be useful in showing that the candidate's ready to move up. In this sample reference, a supervisor recommends that a Customer Experience Advisor at a glasses company move into the position of Team Lead. Read on to see how the supervisor frames her letter. Sample Letter #5: Written by a Supervisor for an Internal Promotion Zachary ParkerDirector of Customer RelationsLark Lenses102 Charles St.Boston, MA 02114 Dear Zachary Parker, It’s my pleasure to provide this recommendation for Alex as she pursues the Customer Experience Team Lead position with Lark Lenses. As her supervisor on the customer service team for the past three years, I’ve worked closely with Alex on a day-to-day basis. I'm confident that Alex is ready to transition into a leadership position. Please allow me to give three examples of Alex’s qualifications for this promotion. First, Alex embodies our â€Å"customer-centric†philosophy and delivers an extraordinary shopping and ownership experience to our clients. She has impressed me with her warmth, wisdom, and kindness online, over the phone, and in person. A few months ago, for example, she spent an hour consoling a woman who was going through a tough time. The customer has since bought several glasses from us and referred friends and family members who have done the same. Alex builds strong relationships with customers and strengthens our business in the long term. Outstanding support is a cornerstone of our business model, and Alex consistently provides that service as a Customer Experience Advisor. Second, Alex has an in-depth knowledge of our products and operating procedures. After three years on the support team, she’s dealt with a variety of issues and understands the day-to-day operations and big picture aims of our business. She can solve problems fast and has introduced several new initiatives for improvement. Recently, she began working on a new framework to facilitate communication between the support team and the product team. Alex is improving the delivery of case notes from support representatives to product designers. She uses her in-depth knowledge to drive innovation. Third, Alex has shown leadership skills throughout her time with Lark Lenses. Her colleagues recognize her as an expert in all things support, and they often go to her with questions. In the past year, she’s helped with the onboarding of several new employees, assisting with training and checking in weekly to discuss their progress. Since new employee onboarding will be a large part of her role as Customer Experience Team Lead, Alex has already proven her capability in this arena. I know that she has her colleagues’ support in stepping into the role of team leader. Alex has proven her expertise in customer relations time and time again, and she is ready to move into a position of team leadership. She is capable, confident, and committed to our mission of extraordinary support. I look forward to seeing her in the position of Customer Experience Team Lead with Lark Lenses. Thank you very much. Please feel free to get in touch with any questions. Sincerely, Lucie WarbyCustomer Experience ManagerLark Lenseslwarby@larklenses.com617-729-5555 // Based on this letter, Alex sounds like the kind of warm, understanding person who wouldn't judge you if you were shopping for eyeglasses for your dog. Recommendation Letter 5: The Breakdown While you may write a letter for someone seeking external employment, you might also get tasked with producing a letter in support of an employee seeking an internal promotion. In this case, you should focus on why the candidate is the right person to move up in the company. How has she proven her capabilities in terms of both her professional skills and connections with her coworkers? In this letter, Lucie Warby expresses her support for Alex’s promotion from Customer Experience Adviser to Customer Experience Team Lead. She focuses on three main strengths: Alex’s customer service, her knowledge and innovative ideas, and her leadership skills among her colleagues. Lucie discusses Alex’s success as a support representative and the reasons she’s ready to move into a position of leadership. To give a few specifics, Lucie mentions Alex’s supportive conversation with a distraught customer. She also talks about her project to deliver case notes from the support team to the design team. // Finally, Lucie mentions how Alex has helped train new employees, a responsibility that would be a large part of her job as team lead. From Lucie’s portrayal, it’s clear that Alex has already started to move beyond the parameters of her current job and take on a leadership role. As a supervisor within the same company, Lucie’s high opinion of Alex’s work would hold a lot of weight. She knows the company and can speak realistically to Alex’s fit with the new position. By stating that Alex already has the support of her team, Lucie further proves that Alex could be the right choice for Customer Experience Team Lead. This letter uses strong, positive language and specific examples to support Alex as she applies for an internal promotion with Lark Lenses. What's Next? Ready for another sample? Check out this letter written by a supervisor for a student intern! // Are you looking for even more samples of recommendation letters for jobs? Head over to our main article for eight more samples and tips on how to write great reference letters. Want to provide a strong recommendation for your employee, but don't have the time to craft the perfect letter? PrepScholar's new recommendation tool, SimpleRec, takes you from good intentions and a blank page to a fully written and formatted letter of recommendation in under 5 minutes. All you need to do is give us some simple pieces of information about your employee and your experience working with them, and we'll do the rest. Try out SimpleRec risk-free today:
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Religion and Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Religion and Society - Essay Example In the long list of the existing faiths, the Abrahamic religions enjoy unique and distinctive place in their nature and scope. The number and proportion of these faiths dominate in the world, as over half of the total world population consists of the followers of these three faiths. There are almost 13.3 million Jews (0.23% of the world population), most of which live in the USA, UK, Canada, South Africa and Israel. (LeElef, 2011) Similarly, there are 2.1 billion Christians, while 1.34 billion Muslims, i.e. approximately 33.1% and 21% of the world population respectively. (Quoted in adherents.com) Judaism, Christianity and Islam are viewed to be the Abrahamic religions due to the very reality that they follow almost one and the same mythology and religious belief systems. All these three religions have developed faith in monotheism, and unconditionally believe that Almighty God is regulating all the affairs of the world. They also share the concepts of angels, satanic forces, heaven, hell, the Resurrection Day, reincarnation and concept of rewards and punishments in their fold. Moreover, their Holy Scriptures i.e. the Holy Torah, Bible and the Holy Qur’an also share Adam’s creation, dwelling and expulsion from the Eden Garden; they also appear to be in consensus that Satan seduced the first parents of humanity, and led them to taste the fruit of the Forbidden Tree. Since then Satan and his accomplices rebel angels have been at war with the descendants of Adam and Eve from the time of their birth and blessings bestowed upon them by the Lord. Their Holy Scriptures also present almost the same description of the Noah’s Great Deluge, Abraham’s holy life, and the tales of the holy prophets including Jacob, Job, Joseph, Moses, David and the latter holy personalities. Somehow, they also observe imperative differences with one another in their fold; as the Jews do not consider Jesus and Muhammad as the prophets of God, and the Jews and Chris tians refuse to accept and admit the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon both of him) as the holy messenger sent by the same God, Who had appointed the earlier prophets for the guidance of humanity at large. The Jews did not view Jesus as the son of the Holy Virgin Mary, and blasphemously declare him as the son of some Joseph, to whom they maintain the belief that Mary was married. Consequently, the followers of all the three Abrahamic faiths have been at daggers drawn for centuries, and even seek the support of infidels and pagans in order to crush one another at any cost. The intensity of hatred among these religions has cost thousands of precious lives, and still rivalry between them seeks no ending altogether. By minutely studying and making comparison among the Leviticus 19 from the Old Testament, the Sermon on the Mount by Jesus Christ and the Last Sermon by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), it becomes evident that their teachings appear to be the source of one a nd the same light, and also focus upon the same beliefs including worship of One God, obeying the parents, practicing nobility, chastity and graciousness to all humans without discrimination, paying charity, avoiding harm to others and looking after the fellow beings etc. However, instead of complying with the commands of their Scriptures, the followers of
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