Friday, September 4, 2020
Summarize Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 8
Sum up - Essay Example The analyst must follow the substance design in each section. All things considered, your seat may endorse another example in a way, which catches the peruser. General-to-explicit may be sufficient through giving outcomes at first and afterward verification a short time later, however the scientist doesn't need to show the subtleties talked about in a prior part. Talking about the reason of an exploration is the most fundamental segment in the last section. Taking a gander at the discoveries offers a quick response to the investigation question, which targets uncovering the criticalness of the examination instead of the subtleties. Conditional responses to investigate addresses offer an answer in deciding the substance of the part. At long last, the specialist should a legitimate cognizance of the product used in investigating information like Excel spreadsheets or Word records. Programming is noteworthy in information investigation, just as introduction. The last paper must be a triumphant exposition. It must handle all exploration issues, just as offer suggestions for future examination territories. A decent or immaculate examination expands on present information to create inventive
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Legal Issues Case Study For Nursing Essay -- essays research papers
Lawful Issues Case Study for Nursing Case 2 Nursing Situation: Cindy Black (invented name), a four-year-old youngster with wheezing, was brought into the crisis room by her mom for treatment at XYZ (imaginary name) clinic at 9:12 p.m. on Friday, May 13. Beginning triage evaluation uncovered that Cindy was experiencing a sore throat, wheezing respectively all through all lung fields, seal-like hack, brevity of breath (SOB), reciprocal ear torment. Fundamental signs on affirmation were beat rate 160, respiratory rate 28, and a temperature of 101.6 Â °Fahrenheit (F) (rectal). Cindy Black was admitted to the crisis division for treatment. Notes composed by the crisis division doctor on beginning assessment peruse, "Croupy female; course breath sounds with wheezing; gentle two-sided tympanic layer hyperemia. Chest X-beam uncovers two-sided infiltrates." Medicine recommended included Tylenol (acetaminophen) 325 mg orally for raised temperature, Bronkephrine (ethylnorepinephrine hydrochloride) 0.1 millimeter subcutaneous, and screen results. Attendant Slighta Hand, RN (imaginary name) directed the medicine as requested and the youngster was watched for thirty minutes. Miss Hand's diagramming was brief, practically messy, and read, "Medicines given as endorsed. Cindy seen without positive outcomes. Doctor notified." The doctor inspected the youngster; notes read that the kid had "minimal clearing" in light of the bronchodilator. The accompanying prescriptions were at that point recommended: Elixir of turpenhydrate with codeine one milliliter by mouth, Gantrinsin (sulfisoxazole) 10 Case 3 milliliters, and Quibron (theophylline-glycerol guaiacolate) 10 milliliters. Attendant Slighta Hand, RN graphed the prescriptions were given as recommended. Her note at 11:08 p.m. peruse, "Vomiting; incapable to hold medication. Breath expanded (54), temperature 101.4Â °F (rectal); wheezing with expanded trouble breathing." No further notes were made in regards to Cindy's condition on the crisis office record by the medical attendant, but to express that at 12:04 am, "child discharged from crisis department." Thirty minutes after release from the crisis office, Cindy Black was taken back to the medical clinic. This time her crucial signs were missing, her skin was warm without mottling, and the students of the eye were expanded yet responded slowl... ...30 minutes) Â · Pulse rate, musicality, quality (at regular intervals) Â · Respiratory rate, musicality, character (at regular intervals) Â · Patency of the aviation route (no less than at regular intervals, more if in trouble) Â · Blood pressure (each 30 to an hour) Â · Skin shading and temperature (at regular intervals) Â · Level of awareness (at regular intervals) Â · Emesis sum, character, and recurrence Outline: Correspondence all through the nursing procedure is vital for the arrangement of safe patient consideration reliable with the overall expert norm. Spoken correspondence among all individuals from the human services group, and particularly among medical attendant and doctor for explaining orders, arranging persistent consideration, and announcing noteworthy patient perceptions is imperative to the nursing procedure. Similarly significant is composed correspondence by the medical caretaker as brief furthermore, exact sections in the clinical record. References Bernzweig, E. (1996). The medical caretaker's obligation for negligence. (sixth ed.). St. Louis: Mosby Creasia, J. furthermore, Parker, B. (1991). Reasonable establishments of expert nursing practice. St. Louis: Mosby Sincere, V. (1993). Clinical aptitudes in nursing practice. (second ed.). Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Production of Food in the Future Essay
Feeding a populace of 9 billion constantly 2050 is overwhelming. Consider the United Nations’ gauge that 1 billion individuals on the planet today are eager. The normal number of malnourished individuals worldwide between 1990and 2006 is 850 million with the high purpose of 1.023 billion hungry individuals, came to in the 2008 emergencies. Before we can decide whether we can take care of 9 billion individuals in 2050, is it not a superior inquiry to pose: â€Å"Have we addressed the issues of our current population?†Increases in populace development, higher food costs because of expanded interest, and rising destitution levels both in the US and universally are for the most part obstructions that should be controlled. In the first place, techniques referenced in â€Å"The Future of Food†should be put to use, so as to defeat the difficulties we face in fulfilling the developing need for food. Elizabeth Dickinson states, â€Å"the world is consistently very nearly a food crisis†(144). The populace in this world is becoming bigger and bigger ordinary, so envision how much food creation would need to increment to take care of 9 billion individuals by 2050. For instance, in Elizabeth Dickinson’s data realistic exposition, the biggest number of respondents casted a ballot that the world would need to expand its food creation by 70 percent. That is a huge rate since we would need to begin expanding the creation from now, so when 2050 comes around we will have expanded by 70 percent. In the event that we postpone the way toward beginning to expand the food creation, at that point we will most likely still won’t have the option to take care of the entire world later on. As the populace develops, expanded interest will prompt higher food costs. For instance, whenever interest for a product rises, costs for the most part flood. Then again, whenever interest for a product goes down, costs decline. The cycle works the equivalent with gracefully. An expansion in gracefully on consistent interest will cause a reduction in costs while diminishing interest will cause an increment in costs. As such, in the event that there is a lot of a similar flexibly yet little interest, at that point the cost will go down, as opposed to having a lot of a similar gracefully with extremely appeal, costs will go up. Individuals frequently ask, â€Å"What’s going on the planet today that is causing this food creation issue to happen?†The appropriate response remains, the populace development. A couple of instances of what has caused food costs to ascend so high are: China and India have the biggest and snappiest developing populaces creating interest for food from around the world, so sway on costs has been raising interest from these nations, the Japanese tidal wave and seismic tremor drove up fish costs by 6%, and vegetable costs rose half month because of harvest harm in Australia, Russia, and South America. In the event that these costs continue rising we won't have the option to take care of the entire world and we will in any case have hungry individuals in poor nations. Elizabeth Dickinson states, â€Å"Poverty is the fundamental issue. In any event, when food is bounteous, many go hungry due to the absence of salary to buy food†(146). To chop down the worldwide craving rate, ten respondents casted a ballot that the global network ought to advance more extensive monetary development. At the end of the day, we should create a more extensive and overwhelming amount of development. Methodologies we can use to confront every one of these difficulties are hereditary building, stress-safe reproducing, and the utilization of biological systems in cultivating. The Green Revolution, which didn't sidestep Africa, is another issue confronting food creation. Elizabeth Dickinson announced, â€Å"It bombed in light of the fact that costly half breed seeds and manures immediately corrupted soils and devastated little farmers†(147). This Green Revolution was ineffectual. The utilization of compost expanded altogether, while per capita horticulture diminished drastically. Yield kept on remaining fixed in all through Africa in the principle harvests, for example, maize, rice, wheat, and so forth. The green Revolutions sway on cultivating and food creation has caused harmful debates. A few people contend that it has spared numerous lives by extending horticultural efficiency, while others contend that it ha had a calamitous effect on little ranchers. It has additionally affected the situations by â€Å"generating a gigantic worldwide market for seed, pesticide, and manure corporations†(GRAIN). Investigations concentrated in the past have reached the resolution by expressing, â€Å"a primary purpose behind the wastefulness of Africa’s agribusiness is that the harvests on the incredible lion's share of little ranches are not the high-yielding assortments in like manner use on the other continents†(GRAIN). In conclusion, in â€Å"What Do We Deserve?†the entirety of the various models of monetary equity identify with â€Å"The Future of Food†by Elizabeth Dickinson. The main model is the libertarian model. This model is about the disparity of individuals and how various races, classes, sexes, and individuals with various sexuality inclinations don’t have similar chances and don’t begin their lives the equivalent. For instance, individuals of various classes either grow up rich, white collar class, or poor. Arora states, â€Å"So while the course may look overall quite sparkly, the sprinters don’t start at the equivalent gazing point†(87). The subsequent model is the meritocratic model. This model is about how a few people are as of now brought into the world with gifts and traits while others don’t have that advantage. The individuals who don't have those points of interest need to strive to acquire their successes. For instance, society doesn't give as much acclaim to an individual who isn’t brought into the world with an ability or credit than they do to the individuals who as of now have it in them. Arora communicates, â€Å"Are their successes not as subjective from an ethical viewpoint as the successes of those brought into the world with silver spoons in their mouths?†(88). The third model is the populist model. This model discussions about how if the individuals who are brought into the world with normal endowments don’t work for their prosperity yet at the same time get compensated, they should impart their awards to the open who accomplish work to procure rewards. For instance, in the event that somebody is brought into the world well off in view of the family they originate from, at that point they ought to be kind to other people and offer what they have as opposed to being avaricious. They didn't endeavor to win the riches. It was simply given to them without any problem. Arora announces, â€Å"We ought to positively urge individuals to sharpen and practice their aptitudes, however we ought to be evident that they don't ethically merit the prizes their aptitudes gain from the market†(88). These models identify with â€Å"The Future of Food†in fundamentally the same as ways. It shows that not all individuals can manage the cost of the expanding costs of food, which causes world yearning. The ones brought into the world with properties that make their life simpler would have the option to pick up notoriety and fortune and wont need to stress over going hungry. Likewise they have things significantly simpler than others. Individuals don’t merit anything except if they have earned it. It isn't reasonable for the individuals who are making a decent attempt to succeed yet come up short and get no credit by any means. Those attempting to succeed are attempting to accommodate themselves so as to bear the cost of the food while costs are getting ever more elevated. To summarize it, food creation later on will be an extremely large test we should confront, however all obstructions can be survived in the event that we set our focus on it. I accept that in the event that we as a whole work together on the procedures discussed before, we can accomplish taking care of every one of the nine billion individuals in this world, including all the destitute individuals in the nations that experience the ill effects of neediness. Additionally with all the kinds of models of financial equity, society should be reasonable with the correct ways on compensating individuals from either various classes or with various preferences.
How to cool your nerves at the college
Notwithstanding the age, there are none understudies to report that see their investigations as a cakewalk. Review those last periods at the establishment when you are doing only taking a gander at the clock and arranging the day after the school in your mind. This activity alludes to that the examination procedure is upset when you are tired and immersed. At the point when you are drained, the drawn out investigation terms are noneffective and an exercise in futility. In such conditions, you ought to permit yourself to unwind and quiet your nerves down. In the event that you have a ton of work to be dealt with, dole out the errand to the most prepared Assignment Writers UK Based and center around the loosening up part. Underneath recorded are a portion of the proposals you can use to spruce up your psyche: Take a Short Nap: A ten to fifteen minutes rest can do likewise to your mind as the choice revive does to your PC. In the wake of awakening, you will feel progressively engaged to wards the assignment and execute it with the vitality and enthusiasm required. Take a Stroll: The most ideal approach to clear your psyche from the investigation pressure is to open yourself to the natural air. Go to the recreation center or simply stroll around your grounds to reestablish smoothness of your depleted brain. Watch a Movie: It is prescribed to watch a satire type film yet on the off chance that your advantage lies in motion pictures of some another kind, put it all on the line. In any case, remember, not to put an excessive amount of time in this movement as it can deny you of the objective you were attempting to accomplish. Call Your Parents: Homesickness can likewise help in your wastefulness in scholastics, and you should battle its belongings when you can. Call your folks, let their adoration and warmth blur the questions you hold about yourself. Their motivational voice will introduce harmony in you and will cause you to feel propelled towards the main job. Tune in to Music: Music has this novel capacity to mitigate the brains that are depleted and tired. Get the tune from your music taste and unwind. Best of all, you can proceed with music in any event, when you continue your examining action. Exercise: The exercise is the best choice in the event that you are feeling down as it has unlimited alternatives you can browse. Exercise is the best pressure reliever as it discharges synthetic concoctions that assist you with brightening up and concentrate better. Visit With Your Friends: When you are down, conversing with your companions can elevate your temperament in a small amount of seconds. Discussion about your disappointments and listen attentively to the troubles they might need to share. Along these lines you will feel light and decided for the future scholarly undertakings to come. These are a portion of the manners in which you can use during your cerebrum break. It is proposed to giggle as much as possible to maintain a strategic dist ance from the outcome of a stressed brain. Good karma and upbeat learning!
Friday, August 21, 2020
Intellectual and technological property Essay
In the United States, the stakes of recognizing the best laws and approaches for the utilization of scholarly and mechanical property are high (U. S. Congress, 1986). When in doubt, engineers of PC programming look for lawful security for protected innovation by utilizing conventional lawful instruments found in copyright, competitive innovation, patent, trademark and authorizing. Of these types of assurance the most effectively feasible security is through copyright law, which makes it illicit to make or convey duplicates of copyrighted material in the U. S. without approval (Qu and Potkonjak, 2003). BUGusa ought to utilize, as a matter of first importance, the lawful insurance of copyright laws so as to watch its licensed innovation. In a case of instructing Congress Members with respect to the means taken by the FBI for exchange and scholarly burglary, a case of a case was introduced by the FBI to the Congress. Patrick Worthing was captured by the FBI in the wake of consenting to sell Pittsburgh Plate Glass data for $1000 to a Pittsburgh specialist acting like a delegate of Owens-Corning, Toledo, Ohio. Patrick Worthing was condemned to 15 months in prison and three years probation for the Theft of Trade Secrets (Gallagher, 1998). Wiretime would need to confront comparative liabilities if Steve is trapped in the demonstration of moving significant corporate or scholarly data to his mom organization. Walter could be liable of might be a tort of purposeful curse of passionate pain. The danger to hurt Steven can be deciphered as an attack. These cases ascend from purportedly unfair work rehearses. The tort requires that the defendant’s direct was extraordinary and preposterous and that extreme physical or enthusiastic mischief came about. Courts anyway request more (Lindemann and Grossman, 1983). Seeing as Walter didn't hurt Steven in any capacity separated from taking steps to hurt him, the odds of obligation held against Walter and BUGusa are not equivalent to a great deal. Steve himself had given over the data to Walter and had left the little room without being genuinely hurt. Liu and Ye (2001) talk about different issues of security and application security identified with programming specialists extending from advertise turmoil, operator approval and exchange. For security, the prime counsel I would provide for BUGusa is ensure the whole framework with steady and fitting safety efforts. Some of the time the framework is intricate and regularly not planned in view of security. In this manner it is essential to examine every segment for its security shortcomings and ensure it likewise (Interactive Information Security Policies, 2007). As I would see it, BUGusa might not need to confront risk if the seller was assaulted. The vandalism in the city isn't heavily influenced by the organization and BUGusa must feature the point that the organization does as far as possible by making the parking garage and dock are sufficiently bright. With respect to the vandalism and the robbery, these are road violations which the legislature and law-authorization organizations are to be considered responsible for. BUGusa may shield itself by enduring a misfortune themselves through the vandalism. It might likewise proceed to guarantee for the future that expanded safety efforts would be taken so as to maintain a strategic distance from such conditions. BUGusa needs to demonstrate that Wiretime has carried out some crime against them. In the event that Steve has been paid off by Wiretime to carry out this demonstration, or has been effectively demonstrated into being viewed as perpetrating an example of crime, RICO can be asserted. BUGusa must demonstrate that Steve has been passing significant data to Wiretime for over a huge timeframe. Sally DoGood may have a fruitful argument against BUGusa for the tort of Product Liability. The item, through lawful definition, has caused a deformity because of the imperfection coming about because of the fundamental standards that it included â€Å"seller’s inability to practice sensible care†and â€Å"would cause a sensible individual in position of the purchaser to anticipate that the pre-owned item should introduce no more serious danger of deformity than if the item were new†. Specialists likewise state that if the offended party finds that the supposed imperfection has been found, (which might be contended on account of BUGusa) the offended party can proceed onward to a carelessness guarantee (Allee, 1984).
Friday, August 7, 2020
Free-est post!
Free-est post! In the hassle of getting my life and graduation requirements together, I almost forgot to take advantage of my (last :/) biannual free post: what am I doing this semester? MIT has many urban horror stories about students struggling to graduate on time for the dumbest possible reasons: taking all of their GIRs second semester senior year because they didnt spread them out, realizing they forgot about the swim requirement a day before graduation, or belatedly discovering that one humanities class didnt count toward the requirement they thought it did. One alum I worked for told me that he convinced the EECS department to let him take his GIRs during his MEng, because he spent all of his undergrad years taking fancy high-level classes. Sometimes, students just punish themselves intentionally by taking eight classes a semester so they can graduate in two years, or get nonexistent triple majors, orfor fun. (Theres no credit limit for freshmen with sophomore standing or upperclassmen; the only bound is your sanity.) Heres the anticlimax: I am not one of those people. (Unless something has gone horribly wrong.) My courseload: 6.851: (Grad) Advanced Data Structures, taught by Erik Demaine, who became an MIT professor at age 20. He frequently cites his own papers in lecture, and we have optional, weekly open problem solving sessions, which is kind of intimidating. I say that a lot. I mean, other professors have (jokingly?) put open problems as extra credit on problem sets, so its nice that ours are just completely for fun. This class is my official substitution for 6.006, which I need to complete my major, so the downer is that I cant drop it when catastrophe strikes. Its been fun so far, though. Seemingly half the CS/math majors I know are in this class, including a 14 down my line of succession from my high school robotics club, and an ex-IOI freshman on my hall. Small world! 21M.380: Recording Techniques and Audio Production is one of those very cool, random, ultra-pragmatic classes that pops up at MIT every once in a while. The assignments so far have consisted of close, detailed listening to songs of our choice, and analyses on how they were mixed. The lectures are refreshingly less theoretical than the average MIT class; instead of generalized, abstracted equations, the lecturer shows us interesting psychoacoustics trivia and heuristics that are useful to know off the top of your head when doing audio production; for example: a bass drums frequency is usually around 60Hz, so its wavelength is about 18 feet long human ears start perceiving time offsets as reverberation after 20-30ms, and it takes sound about 0.89ms to travel a foot, so do the math before recording in big rooms since the ability to understand human vocalizations was obviously beneficial when we developed speech, human ears are heavily biased toward frequencies representative of human speech and will in fact perceive them as significantly louder than frequencies outside that range I keep getting distracted by curiosity about various physics-based/biological/statistical generalizations of what we learn. Mostly, the teacher gives us demos (listening and generating lots of noises and signals in different contexts, through filters, et cetera) and enough theory to internalize them. Incidentally, this class completes my four-subject humanities concentration in music. 6.UAP: THESIS. Every engineering major has a thesis, although most use a heavy-duty lab class in lieu of an independent project / research paper; Course VI is one of the few with an open-ended thesis project. Im doing some sentiment analysis with the Media Labs Digital Intuition group, which does a lot of neat natural language processing that I didnt really know was possible, using a project called ConceptNet that theyve open-sourced and collaborated on with universities in several countries. It has a basic web interface and an API that lets you access a massive semantic graph (hypergraph, rather) about words and concepts in several languages. Since everythings open-source, you can go play with it if youre curious. non-credit At only 30 units, Im light-loading this semester, which means I get a tuition discount! The classes listed above are all I need to graduate, so Im casually following along (without enrolling) in MAS.S60: Practical Natural Language Processing, incidentally taught by my thesis advisor. In junior fall, I took a similar but more rigorous and theory-heavy class, 6.864: (Grad) Advanced Natural Language Processing. Im poking through the MAS.S60 material because it has coding labs in lieu of enormous mathy problem sets, and while 6.864 was fun, I didnt get to actually implement code until the final project. Im also taking an introductory animation workshop through the Student Art Association, which organizes extracurricular art classes that serve as practical alternatives to the tempting logistical nightmare of crossregistering at and commuting to MassArt. Today, we jumped right in and started making cyclic hand-drawn animations. is this not enough for you I have five sessions of job interviews in the next two weeks. Three of them span half a day. No comment. In case it wasnt obvious, the underlined text in this post contains useful alt-text.
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Part 2 College Freshmen - How to Prepare for the College Transition
Get Into (the) Gear: One way to feel mentally prepared for your new adventure is to get physically prepared. First, get organized: make piles of things to bring, things to store, things to toss, and things to give away. Most schools have suggestions on their websites of things to bring, as well as those that you should leave behind. This is a great exercise to do with a parent who may be more objective about what you will and won’t need at school. Shopping for dorm dà ©cor will help you picture where you will be living and get you excited about furnishing your own space. Decorating your dorm room according to your own taste and style will help make it feel like home, which may also ward off any home-sickness. Don’t forget the necessities, including extension cords, cleaning supplies and laundry detergent. These basic items, which were always just there before, signal the realities of independence. If you haven’t already, now is a great time to ask your parents questions, learn basic housekeeping, bookkeeping and checkbook-balancing skills, and start practicing good living habits (like keeping your room tidy!). Keep checking the mail and doing your research: Many students think that once their admissions decisions have been received there is no need to keep track of mail from their college or further research the school. However, that’s not the case. In addition to important information regarding new student weekends, housing contracts, meal plans, and class registration, schools will also send you information regarding activities and programs in which you may want to participate. These can include special freshman seminars and new student deals that may have limited space/quantities, so pay attention! Be sure to check your mailbox and your email inbox regularly. This summer, you’ll also want to take the time to look through your college’s course catalog so that when you register for courses (often during orientation), you can secure a spot in your preferred classes. Knowing what you want to participate in, and how to take advantage of it, will also allow you to meet fellow students with whom you already share some c ommon ground. Up Next: Discuss Expectations
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Multicultural counseling, diversity counseling, counseling...
The Hidden Minority Upon hearing multicultural counseling, culturally diverse counseling, or counseling of diverse populations most people may think of groups that differ from the dominant culture in our society, such as, race, culture, ethnicity, etc. Many people do not think beyond these categories to consider a second tier of diversity, for instance, age, disability, sexual orientation, etc. What is the dominant culture? In most references the comparison is associated with the White Euro-American norms. The basic assumption that heterosexuality is the only normal path of all human beings creates a need for counseling trainees to consider the hidden minority group of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender issues (GLBT). In general,†¦show more content†¦The GLBT community views individuals exhibiting these behaviors as homophobic. Homophobic Attitudes Within families, homophobia can appear in the forms of verbal abuse, physical threats, or physical attack. In a survey of GLBT teens in Rhode Island, 58 per cent of GLBT females reported experiencing these three types of victimization committed by their mothers, 34 per cent by their fathers, 24 per cent by their brothers, and 15 per cent by their sisters. In the same survey, GLBT males accounted 30 per cent victimization by their mothers, 23 per cent by their fathers, 43 per cent by brothers, and 15 per cent by their sisters. The most significant predictors identified as a risk factor of GLBT teen suicide is negative family interactions (Quinn, 2002). Nearly 26 per cent of GLBT youth are forced to leave their homes due to disputes concerning sexual orientation. This leaves the youth feeling isolated and unaccepted by the family. Often, teens believe running away is the only option. It makes teens feel like they have some control of their situation (Quinn, 2002). If GLBT teens seek refuge in a shelter will they meet the same discrimination and rejection they initially were trying to escape? Counselors at shelters need to be prepared to protect, and not perpetuate, these GLBT teens from further victimization. Social groups, tremendously have an impact during the teenage years, GLBT teens may miss outShow MoreRelatedMulticultural Psychology1156 Words  | 5 PagesMulticultural Psychology Anthony Stamatouras University of Phoenix May 3, 2010 Multicultural Psychology Multicultural psychology is something that is relevant in this day and age. Today, with a vast number of people of different minority attachments living together, the idea of multicultural psychology is a good thing. Multicultural psychology is a discipline that is closely related to cross-cultural psychology and in fact is difficult to make that distinction ( Weiner, Freedheim,Read MoreCase Study Counseling Plan4198 Words  | 17 PagesCase Study Counseling Plan u08a1 Assignment Brenda J. Owens COUN 5225 – Human Sexuality Abstract The case study of Sara and Amy was selected to develop a counseling plan. 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Monday, May 18, 2020
Quality of Bottled Water Produced by Water Refilling Station
QUALITY OF BOTTLED WATER PRODUCED BY WATER REFILLING STATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS APPROVAL SHEET i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ii LIST OF TABLES v ABSTRACT vi CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Background of the Study 1 Related Studies 3 Statement of the Problem 6 Objectives 6 Conceptual Framework 7 Significance of the Study 9 Scope and Delimitation 9 Definition of Terms 9 CHAPTERII METHODOLOGY Research Design 11 Sampling Design 11 Research Instrument 11 Data Gathering Procedure 12 iv CHAPTER III PRESENTATION, INTERPRETATION 15 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS CHAPTER IV SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION 28†¦show more content†¦2 It may be true that water produced by WRS’s is better than water produced by the local water system as reported outbreaks associated to waterborne diseases have never been linked with water produced by WRS’s. However, the City Health Office has received complaints like noted floating insect inside the WRS’s 5-gallon bottle. Despite this, there has been no illness linked to the reported event. However, this brings to focus the need to maintain quality and safe drinking water from WRS’s. Frequent monitoring and evaluation must be done to identify risks of producing unsafe water (Craun et al, 2002). These procedures must be done in every public water system such as WRS just like what Zamboanga City Water District (ZCWD) is regularly conducting. In Zamboanga City as well as in other national cities, operation of these WRS’s depends on the approval of the Local Health Office which simply follows the guidelines indicated in the Supplemental Implementing Rules and Regulations on Water Supply, a Presidential Decree 865. This guideline defines the requirements and standards that call for strict compliance before a permit to operate WRS is issued. It also prescribes a continued evaluation and monitoring thereafter. However in the guidelines, the quality of the product water is simply measured by analyses of water samples taken after the water purification processShow MoreRelatedThe Promotional Strategies of Bulls Eye Water Refilling Station; Its Positive Effects2880 Words  | 12 Pagesnationwide, is the water refilling station. Its mushrooming on every street corner, because a lot of people in urban areas prefer to get their drinking water from these water stations, its simply clean and safe to drink. Over the years, as the demand for cleaner water becomes higher, the price of household water purifiers and bottled water has become prohibitive. Water refilling stations managed by private entrepreneurs offer a cheaper and more convenient solution to the publics drinking wat er needs thanRead MoreInternal Revenue Code 1939278050 Words  | 1113 Pagesapproval of the Secretary. Gains, profits, and income from (1) transportation or other services rendered partly within and partly without the United States, or (2) from the sale of personal property produced (in whole or in part) by the taxpayer within and sold without the United States, or produced (in whole or in part) by the taxpayer without and sold within the United States, shall be treated as derived partly from sources within and partly from sources without the United States. Gains, profits
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
El Salvador A Country On The Pacific Coast Of Central...
El Salvador is a country on the Pacific coast of Central America, and borders Guatemala to the west and Honduras to the north and east (Geography). It is known for being the smallest Central American country and has an area equal to that of Massachusetts, it is also the only one with an Atlantic coastline (Geography). The majority of El Salvador s land is made up of a chain of volcanoes that expands throughout the Northern side of the country. The current government of El Salvador is a Republican one. El Salvador was discovered and conquered in 1525 by Pedro de Alvarado a lieutenant of Cortes s. El Salvador declared its independence from Spain on Sept 15, 1821 and was part of a union of other Central American countries from which they†¦show more content†¦In 1998, Hurricane Mitch devastated the country, leaving 200 dead and over 30,000 homeless (History). Several other disasters involve major earthquakes that struck the country in the early 2000s which damaged roughly 20 per cent of all the property in El Salvador, and a drought that destroyed 80 percent of all the countries crops, leaving a harsh famine that spread throughout the country. After all this disaster in 2006 the nation of El Salvador started a free-trade agreement or (CAFTA) with the U.S, which made it the first Central American country to do so (History). On March 2009, Mauricio Funes became the first former FMLN party member to be elected president, this act ended two decades of conservative rule in the country and began a new era of presidents for the country. El Salvador has a vast and very sentimental culture as it is known as being one of the most culturally diverse places in the world. The mainly spoken language in the country is Spanish and although there is no central religion, in recent years, the Catholic religion has taken a strong hold in the country. The country s main source of income comes from its sell of coffee and sugar cane, which not only provides money for the country but jobs for the people within the country. Many Salvadorians today are descendants of the Pipil Indians, who were the original inhabitants of the country until the Spanish
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Life Choices in Robert Frosts The Road Not Taken and...
Robert Frost’s â€Å"The Road Not Taken†and â€Å"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening†both portray weighing of choices in life. The former is about youth and experiencing life and the latter is about old age, or more probably, an old spirit wearied by life. In both poems the speaker is in a critical situation where he has to choose between two paths in life. In â€Å"The Road Not taken†the speaker chooses the unconventional approach to the decision making process, thus showing his uniqueness and challenging mentality while in â€Å"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening†the speaker seeks a life without any pain and struggle but at the end, he has to comply with social obligation, which reflects his responsibility towards the society. In the poem, â€Å"The†¦show more content†¦By choosing the harder path, the speaker declares his rebellion against the popular opinion as represented by the other road. He decides not to conform to society and takes up a less popular choice. When considering his choices the speaker shows the typical human reaction. He considers taking both paths at first. He says, â€Å"Oh I kept the first for another day†, but later confesses he â€Å"doubted if [he] should ever come back†(13-15). Thus the poem’s significance lies in the speakers making a decision by choosing a road and moving on with his life. The act of choosing the road represents his uniqueness and the fact that he is always moving forward, even without stopping. Like â€Å"The Road Not Taken†, in â€Å"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening†, the speaker has to make a big decision in his life. He has to choose between isolation and social obligation. At first glance, this poem might denote stopping in the woods to escape the hustle and bustle of city life. Different symbols in this poem though reveal that stop in the poem could be referring to death. In this phrase â€Å"Between the woods and frozen lake†, the wood becomes a symbol of life where frozen lake signifies death. When the speaker reaches the woods, he finds a world offering perfect, quiet and solitude, existing side by side with the realization that there is also another world, a world of people and social obligation. BothShow MoreRelatedEssay about An Analysis Of Nature In The W606 Words  | 3 Pages An Analysis of Nature in the works of Robert Frost When reading poetry by Robert Frost the theme of nature is strongly present and persistent. Robert Frost uses the world around him to create a mystic feeling to his writings, almost giving the reader a sense of nostalgia. The influence of nature in Frost’s works creates a palette to paint a picture filled with symbolism for the reader to interpret. The nature in the poems makes the poem an intimate piece in which most readers can identify withRead MoreEssay Biography of Robert Frost1886 Words  | 8 Pages â€Å"Rightly or wrongly, Robert Frost has achieved a reputation as a poet of nature†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Gerber 155). Yes, Frost does use imagery of nature in his poems, but to say he is a â€Å"nature poet†is distorting his poetry by overlooking the poem’s darker complexions (Gerber 155). An aspect of his poems that is frequently overlooked is the main character’s internal conflict. In â€Å"The Road Not Taken†and â€Å"Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening†characters are faced with an inner conflict metaphorically describedRead MoreJourney Of Journey1383 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout life everyone has their own journey that they are going to take. Some journeys are goal oriented such as a search for adventure, recognition or riches. Sometimes the journey is to get away and to understand more of what the world has to offer. We all take journeys of self-discovery from childhood to adulthood that reveals our experiences which has shaped us. However, the journey is not always an easy road to take ¬ but it is worth taking. When people go through their journey they may experienceRead MoreStopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening1415 Words  | 6 PagesEvery thirteen minutes, there is a life lost in the United States due to suicide. This killer that accounts for over 38,000 deaths per year is often triggered by feelings of helplessness and the inability to cope (Suicide Facts). Many people who suffer from feelings of self-despair mistakenly believe that ending their lives is the ant idote to their pain. Robert Frost’s poems, â€Å"Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening,†â€Å"The Road Not Taken,†and â€Å"Acquainted with the Night†each have distinct moods andRead MoreEssay about Robert Lee Frost1452 Words  | 6 PagesRobert Lee Frost The mark of a great poet is his ability to engage the reader so that they analyse their own lives. Robert Lee Frost (1874 – 1963) – an influential American poet often associated with rural New England – is brilliant at this and uses poetry as a platform for the expression of his own general ideology. Frost’s belief that human society was often chaotic and stressful and that the meaning of life is elusive, has been promoted in his poetry. Frost looked to nature, whose undyingRead MoreThree Elements Of Robert Frost Poetry1145 Words  | 5 PagesThere are three common elements that feature in much of Robert Frost’s poetry. The first is a portrayal of nature through vivid imagery (as appears in â€Å"Nothing Gold Can Stay†), which partially stems from Frost’s life as a farmer in rural New England (Pritchard). The second is a discussion of depression, darkness, and death (as appears in â€Å"Out, Outâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬ and â€Å"Acquainted with the Night†), which issues from Frost’s own experiences after his 3-year-old son, mother, and grandfather died within two years ofRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem Four Time Pulitzer Prize Recipient Robert Frost 868 Words  | 4 PagesFour time Pulitzer Prize recipient Robert Frost was an American poet who was exceedingly popular in the twentieth century. It’s easy to assume that almost every American with a high school equivalent education has heard of or read his work. Which I had before this class, although I had never really taken an interest in poetry or any poet in particular until this semester. As we grow older our perception of the world and the components of it change, this was the case for my newly found kinship withRead More Robert Frost - A Comparisson Of 3 Poems Essay1242 Words  | 5 Pages Comparing Frost’s amp;quot;Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Eveningamp;quot;, amp;quot;Birchesamp;quot;, and amp;quot;The Road Not takenamp;quot; Robert Frost was an American poet that first became known after publishing a book in England. He soon came to be one of the best-known and loved American poets ever. He often wrote of the outdoors and the three poems that I will compare are of that amp;quot;outdoorsyamp;quot; type. There are several likenesses and differences in these poems. TheyRead MoreThe Life Of Robert Frost ( 1874-1963 )1683 Words  | 7 PagesWhile he lived Robert Frost (1874-1963) enjoyed the recognition as an accomplished po-et. He was a multiple Pulitzer Prize recipient as well as of the honor of the Congressional Gold Medal. Considered one of the finest modernist poets of the twentieth century his poems to this day are admired for the depiction of the bucolic nature of New England and his practiced use of the everyday spoken word. Mr. Frost was born in California in later moving across the country to Lawrence, Massa-chusetts in 1885Read MoreAmbiguity in Robert Frosts Works2796 Words  | 12 Pages November 10, 2012 Introduction to Poetry Section 01 Ambiguity and Dark Undertones in Robert Frost’s â€Å"The Road Not Taken†and â€Å"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening†Robert Frost and his poetry were adored by the American public, as both were often thought to embody deeply cherished American values such as freedom, independence, nobility and rising to the occasion. The narrator of Frost’s works are often presumed to be Frost himself, as his public audience idolized him for standing for
What is the meaning of the Ninth Commandment to a college student Free Essays
The basic premise behind the ninth commandment is truth, whether it is truth in deed, truthful speech or honest thoughts. If we take the meaning of the commandment further and interpret the words to mean that a person should not lie, then we can understand better how this commandment might impact our daily life, especially in today’s modern environment where deception, and white lies appear to be condoned by our western society. The ninth commandment requires for each individual to be honest in his or her dealings with others, but analysis of the term â€Å"lying†reveals that there is more to being truthful than accurate reporting. We will write a custom essay sample on What is the meaning of the Ninth Commandment to a college student? or any similar topic only for you Order Now The Oxford Modern English Dictionary (1996) defines â€Å"truth†as being â€Å"the quality or state of being true or truthful†(p. 1114) and â€Å"truthful†as â€Å"habitually telling the truth†(p.1114). By comparison the definition of the term â€Å"lying†in the same dictionary is listed as â€Å"part of a lie†¦deceitful, false†(p.595) where â€Å"Lie†is described as â€Å"an intentionally false statement†(p. 573). From these interpretations it is easy to reach the conclusion that the definition of both truth and lying is steeped more in the intention of the individual rather than individual acts or words spoken. Brevard Childs (1974) believed that the original idea behind the ninth commandment was a legal one, rather than an ethical one, in that he translated the original text to mean that a person should not tell lies in a court of law (Childs, 1974), however the more modern viewpoint on the meaning of the commandment appears to be related to individual accountability and a desire to live a life of truth (St. John in the Wilderness, 2001, [online]). There are many different ways a person can lie including withholding the truth, slandering another person or action, or telling white lies and despite ethical discussions to the contrary all of these actions are considered untruthful from a biblical perspective. For example in Leviticus 19:11, we are told, â€Å"you shall not steal, you shall not deal falsely, and you will not lie to one another†(NRSV). Later in the same chapter we are again told, â€Å"you shall not go around as a slanderer among your people†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Leviticus 19:16). These are just two of the copious number of biblical references that can be found that encourage each individual to be a truthful person, but how relevant is this truth in modern society? Terence Fretheim (1991) interpreted the ninth commandment to convey a foundation for community and social living. He wrote, â€Å"unless there is an arena in which there is public confidence that social reality will be reliably described and reported†(Fretheim, p.848), the concept of community could not exist.  Blatnik (2004) corroborates that idea and goes on to say, â€Å"there is no community on the face of public lies†(p.3). Blatnik (2004) also mentions verses in Ephesians that point towards the idea that â€Å"we are bound to each other in a way that a lie in one place, a lie at one level, a lie by one person, is like a ripple in a pond – the whole pond is ultimately affected†(p.3). Walter Brueggemann (1994) wrote in his book that the ninth commandment is â€Å"a recognition that community life is not possible unless there is an arena in which there is public confidence that social reality will be reliably described and reported†(p.26). He believed that not only was truth an important part of a just and fair legal system, but that truth should be evident in all forms of public interaction. For example the modern idea that skewing the truth in the advertisement of products in mass media forums is an accepted part of society, but essentially if public truth cannot reflect public reality then an important part of society is undermined and we as members of this society tend, over time, to distrust the messages we get from mass media sources. In his book Commandments of Compassion, Keenan (1999) suggest that as a society we need to â€Å"create a space where truth can be told†(p.4). He believes that truth should be evident in personal relationships, family relationships and public dealings we have with other members of our community. Unfortunately this level of truth can only be created if all members of society were totally honest with each other and as it is not possible for us as human beings, to read the thoughts of another person, it is often difficult to tell if a person we are dealing with has the same commitment towards living a truthful life as we ourselves would like to have. John Timmerman (1997) also wrote about how to be truthful in all of our relationships, both personal and public. He emphasized the different ways we as individuals could achieve this level of truthfulness and suggested that if we were careful in the words we spoke so that we did not give another person the wrong impression, and combined this with attentive listening to another person, then these actions could increase our own individual ability to be truthful at all times. Timmerman also noted that the idea of promises were almost a sacred act, in that as we believe in the promises from God, so we should ensure that we only make promises we can keep (Timmerman, 1997). According to John Ritenbaugh (1997) lying is rife in our communities. His article mentions surveys that show that students lie to their parents about 50% of the time, that people in personal relationships lie about 30 percent of the time to their partner, while 12% of four million Americans in the job market had lost their jobs because they had misleading information on their resumes (Ritenbaugh, 1997). He suggested that the reason lying was so prevalent in our society was because we tend to use other terms for lying, such as â€Å"exaggerating†or â€Å"inaccuracy†to describe the untruths. We seem as a society to accept that politicians are up to no good, that a salesman is probably â€Å"putting us on†and that big corporations must be doing something illegal because they make so much money. The fact that these beliefs have permeated our social fabric to such a degree that these thoughts are commonplace shows just how little truth we expect from others in our daily lives. This fact alone would suggest that because we do not expect others to tell us the truth, we might be less likely to be truthful ourselves. It would seem that much of society is based on the idea that ‘everyone else is doing it†so therefore we can absolve ourselves of being accountable and honest in our own dealings with others. The Bible gives us countless examples of what it means to be truthful. Deuteronomy 32:4 says â€Å"He is the rock, His work is perfect; for all His ways are justice, a God of truth and without injustice; righteous and upright is He†(NSRV). The teachings from Jesus also contain ideas on how to be truthful, especially in terms of the role model he became for other people. Jesus was an example of a person who lived by his words on a daily basis, and it is through his example that we can see what changes we might need to put in place in our own lives, to be a better and more truthful person. A Christian student goes to a Christian college with the expectation that the people who share the campus with them are going to live by the same standards as themselves. One of these expectation is that the other students, the tutors and even the administration staff of the college will all want to abide by the ten commandments and sometimes it can be bit of a shock to us to find that not only are there countless people in general society that fail to live by the commandments on a daily basis, but that some of the people in the college are also failing to live by the high standards set by Jesus Christ. However, it is my personal opinion that when it comes to attendance at a Christian educational institution that rather than condemn or alienate those students who might lie to us, or fail the commandments in some way or another, that we need to be forgiving and use the positive Christian influence of the college to help understand why some people find it difficult to be truthful in voice and deed and encourage these people back onto a Christian path in life. We need to heed the words by Keenan (1999) mentioned earlier that we need to create the space where a person can feel comfortable enough to tell the truth. One of the main reasons people lie to others is based on their own fear of being judged by another person. Most of us feel the need to make a good impression on others, so we feel we are not doing any harm by just omitting a few pertinent facts, or telling a few white lies to make ourselves appear better in a public light. Although the intention behind these actions may not be malicious, any form of untruth is a lie, and the only way we can be truthful people, and keep the ninth commandment is to be totally honest in all our dealings, both personal and professional. As students we are all well aware of how easy it is to be tempted to appear â€Å"better†in the way we behave, especially among our peers (Christian and non-Christian), but as Christians we are also aware of how important it is for us to live by higher standards than other non-Christian people might be prepared to live. We need to remember that we are all sinners in some way or another, which is why I think that it is so important, when we do become aware that one of our Christian classmates is having problems being honest in their dealings, that we help rather than condemn him. For example one of our classmates might be telling â€Å"white lies†to his parents because his grades are not as high as they should be. Even though we all learn the importance of being truthful in all of our thoughts, words and actions, it is not our place to ignore or shun that failing student – it is not our place to judge him. Rather we should help him in spiritual ways by studying scriptures that are appropriate for the situation, and in practical ways by offering to help him study harder so that he is able to get a grade he can be proud of. Blatnik (2004) told us that just one lie by one individual in a community can affect the whole community, but if we as Christian individuals hold fast to our own truths then through the power of prayer and understanding we can help our fellow students stay true to the teachings of Jesus Christ. The ninth commandment tells us we should not bear false witness against our neighbour – what it is asking us to do is to make truth the foundation for our lives here on earth. Only when we are completely truthful in all of our dealings with other people around us can we have an honest relationship with God, and that fact applies to all of us, not only as Christians, not only as college students, but also as members of the human race. References Blatnik, D.J., (2004). The Ninth Commandment. Second Presbyterian Church Sermons, accessed online at October 2, 2005 Brueggemann, W., (1994). The Book of Exodus, in The New Interpreter’s Bible, Vol. 1. Nashville: Abingdon Press Childs, B.S., (1974). The book of Exodus: A critical, theological commentary. Louisville: Westminster Press. Fretheim, T.E., (1991). Exodus: Interpretation, a Bible commentary for teaching and preaching, Louisville: John Knox Press. Keenan, J.F., (1999). Commandments of Compassion. Franklin, WI: S.J. Sheed Ward Oxford Modern Dictionary (Second Edition), (1996), New York: Oxford University Press. Ritenbaugh, J.W., (December 1997). The Ninth Commandment, Forerunner, Personal. Charlotte, NC: Church of the Great God St. John in the Wilderness [online] (2001). The Ten Commandments: 9. You shall not answer against your neighbor as a false witness. Accessed at October 2 2005. Timmerman, J.H., (1997). Do we still need the Ten Commandments? A fresh look at God’s Laws of Love. Minneapolis: Augsbur How to cite What is the meaning of the Ninth Commandment to a college student?, Essay examples
Henry Ford (945 words) Essay Example For Students
Henry Ford (945 words) Essay Henry Ford was born on July 30, 1863 to William and Mary Ford. He was the first of six children. He grew up in a rich farming household in Dearborn, Michigan. He enjoyed a typical childhood, spending his days in a one-room schoolhouse and doing farm chores. Ever since he was young, he showed an interest for the mechanical aspect of things, and how they worked and functioned. He used to take things apart and put them back together to get an idea of the inner workings of basic mechanical tools (Nevins, 47 50). In 1879, at a young age of 16, he left his home to travel to the near by city of Detroit to work as an apprentice for a machinist. He occasionally returned home to work on the farm. He remained an apprentice for three years and then returned to Dearborn. During the next few years, Henry divided his time between operating and repairing steam engines, finding occasional work in Detroit factories, and working on his fathers broken down farm equipment, as well as lending an unwilling hand with other farm work. Henry got married to Clara Bryant in 1888 Henry supported himself and his wife by running a sawmill (Collier, 145 152). We will write a custom essay on Henry Ford (945 words) specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now In 1891, Henry became an engineer with the Edison Illumination Company. This was an important event in his life because it signified that he had made a conscious career move into industrial pursuits. He was promoted to Chief Engineer in 1893. This gave him enough time and money to devote attention to his personal experiments on internal combustion engines (Lacey 13 14). The high point of this research came with the completion of his own self-propelled vehicle, the Quadricycle. This bike had four wire wheels and was steered with a tiller, like a boat. It had two forward speeds, and no reverse. Although this was not the first self-propelled vehicle, it set Henry Ford as one of the major pioneers whom helped this nation become one of motorists (Head 22 24). Ford decided that he wanted to become an automobile manufacturer. After two unsuccessful tries, Ford motor company was finally incorporated in 1903 with Henry Ford as the Vice President and Chief Engineer. When the company first started it was only producing a few cars a day at the Ford factory on Mack Avenue in Detroit. A group of two or three men would work on one car from components made to order by other companies (Lewis 99 100) Ford realized his dream of producing an automobile that was reasonable priced, reliable and efficient with the introduction of the Model T in 1908. This vehicle iniated a new era in personal transportation. It was easy to operate, maintain, and could handle rough roads. It was also very reasonably priced at 850 dollars. The cars sold fast and for the first time, the middle class could afford a car. By 1920, about 4 million Model Ts were sold (Lewis, 103 105). The model T revolutionized America in many different ways. For example, while the Model T was in production, the assembly line was used on a large scale. The assembly line was a powered chain that brought the chassis of the car to each of its parts. The parts were then attached to the chassis of the car and moved on to the next station. It usually took fourteen hours to build one Model T, and with the assembly line it only took six. Henry built a huge factory based on the assembly line. The assembly line added more jobs and significantly lowered the cost of production (Nevins, 65 67). .u3778e0732efe253e0d6ee23ed0e4a22c , .u3778e0732efe253e0d6ee23ed0e4a22c .postImageUrl , .u3778e0732efe253e0d6ee23ed0e4a22c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u3778e0732efe253e0d6ee23ed0e4a22c , .u3778e0732efe253e0d6ee23ed0e4a22c:hover , .u3778e0732efe253e0d6ee23ed0e4a22c:visited , .u3778e0732efe253e0d6ee23ed0e4a22c:active { border:0!important; } .u3778e0732efe253e0d6ee23ed0e4a22c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u3778e0732efe253e0d6ee23ed0e4a22c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u3778e0732efe253e0d6ee23ed0e4a22c:active , .u3778e0732efe253e0d6ee23ed0e4a22c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u3778e0732efe253e0d6ee23ed0e4a22c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u3778e0732efe253e0d6ee23ed0e4a22c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u3778e0732efe253e0d6ee23ed0e4a22c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u3778e0732efe253e0d6ee23ed0e4a22c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u3778e0732efe253e0d6ee23ed0e4a22c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u3778e0732efe253e0d6ee23ed0e4a22c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u3778e0732efe253e0d6ee23ed0e4a22c .u3778e0732efe253e0d6ee23ed0e4a22c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u3778e0732efe253e0d6ee23ed0e4a22c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Tolstoy's Three Hermits EssaySince the assembly line, Ford was able to produce many more cars than usual, therefore increasing profits. Since the profits were increased, Henry was able to raise the workers salaries from $2.50 an hour to $5.00 an hour. He also cut the workday to only eight hours a day, making the workers very happy. People from all over the nation tried to get a job working at the Ford Motor Company because the wages were so good. Also since the assembly line increased profits, Henry was able to sell Model Ts for a cheaper price. In 1915, the price of the Model Ts went down to $490 (Lacey, 27 -29). Fords assembly lines didnt always manufacture cars. In early 1941 the Ford was granted government contracts whereby he was to manufacture parts for bombers and later, the entire airplane. He then launched the construction of a huge plant at Willow Run, Michigan. By the end of the War, the plant had manufactured more than 8000 planes (Collier, 160). In the period of 1937 to 1941, the Ford Company became the only major manufacturers of automobiles in the Detroit area that had not recognized any labor unions as the collective bargaining representative of employees. The company was later found guilty of repeated violation of the national Labor Relations Act (Nevins, 69 -70). Henry Ford was active in many other fields besides those of automobile and airplane manufacturing. In 1915, he had world peace on his mind. He chartered a peace ship, which carried him and a number of like-minded individuals to Europe, where they attempted without success to persuade the close-minded to end WWI (Lacey, 33). While still working at his company, Henry was also nominated for the U.S. Senate for the state of Michigan in 1918, though he was defeated. In 1919 Ford laid out 7.5 million of his own money to erect the Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit (Head, 27 28). As Ford was getting older, he retired from the active direction of his gigantic enterprise in 1945. Two years later, on April 7 1947, Ford died in Dearborn, Michigan. Ford left behind a personal fortune estimated between 500 and 700 million (Lacey, 20-21). In conclusion, Henry Ford was a very important part of our society. He was responsible for many inventions, including the Model T. His biggest contribution was revolutionizing and perfecting the assembly line.
Friday, May 1, 2020
A Fairytales Moral free essay sample
On the first day of freshman year, after calling out my name for attendance, my homeroom teacher said, â€Å"Oh, you’re Sarah’s little sister. I had her, she was great. Do you play soccer too?†I had heard this comment on every first day of school, and for the past eleven first days, I responded to them all in the same way. For the eleventh time in my life, I smiled politely and shook my head no. I never expanded on that further than a shake of my head, because I was determined to show them that I was different than my sister, in a good way. They had yet to understand that being Sarah’s Little Sister was the only similarity we shared. There are pictures all over my house of me and my sister as little kids. In most, we are wearing matching dresses, looking at the camera with the same sweet smile. We will write a custom essay sample on A Fairytales Moral or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Throughout the years of our childhood, she was the best older sister I could’ve asked for, with a 4.0 GPA, varsity-level athleticism, and a certain charm about her that made her unforgettable to everyone she interacted with. I loved her not just because she was my sister, but for everything that she was, yet I also resented her for her seemingly perfect life. There had always been an unspoken comparison between us that made me feel constant pressure to have the same goals and accomplishments as her. Throughout our childhood, I felt as if she was taking giant leaps forward while I was taking tiny steps. I struggled to live up to the title of Sarah’s Little Sister, and I no longer wanted to be so heavily connected to her name. So, after the first day of high school passed, I worked hard to show my teachers, my classmates, my parents, and myself that there was so much more to me than what they’d automatically assumed. By the time my last first day of school rolls a round, I hope my homeroom teacher calls my name for attendance and tells me that they have heard so much about me and is eager to get to know me even more throughout the year. That’s why I always looked forward to bedtime when I was a kid. It was a time that my dad reserved just for me. I never felt pressured or judged to be someone I wasn’t. Most of all, my dad didn’t have to share his attention between my sister and I; it was all mine. The last time my dad read me a fairytale, I was seven. Already tucked in for the night, I promised myself that I wouldn’t let sleep take over before the end. After all, the endings of the fairytales were the best part. Instead of reading off the page, my dad would close the book and make up his own version of the story, and I would laugh and clap at his cleverness night after night. The endings weren’t always happy, the princesses didn’t always find their prince, and the evil witches weren’t always banished. But they were original and inspiring and made me feel something that the words on the page never seemed to be able to do. I would always ask him why he never read the re al ending, and he would always reply with the same answer: â€Å"Because I can make up my own.†And to this mysterious statement I would spend a couple of seconds trying to make sense of it all,and eventually give up and contently let my eyelids flutter closed, dreaming about the princesses and evil witches. Eventually, I grew less and less excited for storytime. I seemed to be growing out of the fairytale phase, as it seemed less important to me. Although I no longer used storytime as a reassurance that I held a special spot in my father’s busy schedule, I still felt stuck behind my sister. Once I got to high school, my book of fairytales had collected an inch-thick layer of dust. People always say that a lot of changes happen in high school, and looking back, my first day was the moment I realized the subtle purpose behind my father’s made-up stories. So as I sat in an unfamiliar classroom and let my teacher wait for an explanation she would never get, as I had done so many times before, I noticed how the universe shifted ever so slightly, a difference only I could comprehend. I was permanently freeing myself of the expectations and standards I had always worked so hard to satisfy. I realized that I needed to focus on who I wanted to become, not who others wanted me to become based on my sister. I realized that I needed to make my own mistakes, earn my own triumphs, and experience fear and love and failure all on my own. I was in charge of how my story played out, not my sister, not expectations, and certainly not a book of fairytales. From that day on, I held a quiet confidence in my heart that I could handle all of life’s witches and villains. Seven years from the last time my dad slipped my book of fairytales off the shelf, I remembered exactly how it felt to listen to him writing his own ending and fall asleep to the sound of his voice. For the rest of my story, I would do exactly what my dad had done for me: write my own ending. An ending where I discover life through my own mind and heart. For everything that I hope to achieve in life, I can remember how my dad waited seven years for me to understand that someone else’s ending had no influence on how I defined myself and my dreams. So if anyone ever asks me why I closed the book forever, I will think of my dad when I say, â€Å"Because I can make up my own†.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Animal Farm Bookreview essays
Animal Farm Bookreview essays The book Animal Farm was written by George Orwell, whose real name is Eric Blair, in 1943-1944. George Orwell was from England and wrote the book while living there. Orwell was born in 1903 and died in 1950. During his life he wrote many other books such as Down and Out in Paris and London, Burmese Days, and Come Up for Air. Orwell is usually known for writing political and social idealistic books. The book takes place on the Manor Farm in the 1940s to 1950s. The book never states the exact time period, but we assume it took place between this time span. The isolation of the farm influences the actions of the characters. The characters do not have much contact with the surrounding area. The book has the necessary isolation from the world for the birth and development of a new society. Its life is simple in the sense that it is unlike the urban life typical of the twentieth century. The setting of the book is a crucial component in the outcome of the story. The main characters in Animal Farm have significant traits that add to the development of the story. Old Major is the pig who truly cares for all the farm animals and is thus respected by them all. Snowball is the most articulate, innovative, and bravest of all the animals. Snowball provides an important link between the pigs and the other animals. Napoleon is the tyrant and chief revolutionary of Animal Farm. He is also an opportunist and is able to manipulate events to his own purpose. Snowball and Napoleon contend for the leadership, but Napoleon eventually runs Snowball off the farm. Squealer has strong powers of communication and uses them to twist the doctrines of Old Major. He is the propagandist of the animal society and the eyes and ears of Napoleon. Boxer is a kind, hard-working horse, but he lacks intelligence. His lack of intelligence is exploited by the pigs and he remains loyal to the new system despite its flaws. Clover understands th...
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Film Review Bad Boys II Essay Example
Film Review Bad Boys II Essay Example Film Review Bad Boys II Essay Film Review Bad Boys II Essay Essay Topic: Hilarious Detective Mike Lowrey (Will Smith) and Detective Marcus Burnette (Martin Lawrence) team up again since 1995 for the sequel bad boys II. Both Detectives are partners in the TNT (Tactical Narcotics Team). They are assigned to a job where a Spaniard, Johnny Tapia (Jordi Molla) is smuggling drugs and a Russian (Peter Stormare) controls the distribution and owns almost every nightclub in town. Together they run the largest ecstasy import business in Miami. Burnettes sister, Syd (Gabrielle Union). is assigned to the same case as Lowrey and her brother. The police are having trouble finding evidence to convict Tapia resulting in Syd having to go undercover for five months, almost killing herself in a car chase, while Smith proves that he can drive and shoot at the same time and Lawrence checks to see how effective it is to shoot inside the vehicle rather than out. The climax of the movie is reached when there is a major shoot out in Cuba. Compared to the first Bad Boys movie this is a major disappointment to viewers who have waited 8 years for the sequel. Like all of Bays movies nothing is done in moderation, theres at least a million bullets fired in one scene alone! The motorway car chase is almost a replica of Matrix Reloaded and Terminator 3. Throw in some KKKs and dead bodies all over the motorway you have the total gross-out factor known to man. The movie is quite unpredictable but the anticipation Is lost because the plot has too many twists. : Smith gives a good performance and Lawrence isnt too bad, he gives a hilarious performance when he swallows a couple of Ecstasy pills. Molla and Stormare do a great job, the power hungry roles fit them like a glove. I think we will continue to see them acting in similar roles. The movies too long and too crude and probably not suitable for the certificate rating of 15. However the amount of comedy and action substitutes for this. I think that Columbia Pictures have only just made this is a successful movie. Dont hold your breath for another sequel. Reviewed by Shasta Nisar Commentary The document is a film review. We know this as the information such as details about characters and directors names are included in the first few lines. This factual data at the start of the document, gives the reader an indication that it is a film review. The personal views given also suggest this, for example, this is a major disappointment. Using personal comments means that a tone is created, as the author is sharing their views with the reader. Therefore a bond is formed as the author tries to persuade and inform the reader. Reviews are also read by people who have seen the film and want a professional view. The personal comments of the write may be shared by the reader or they may differ from those of the reader, either way the reader is engaged in the review. The text is aimed at people over 15, as this is what the certificate viewing is. It is also aimed at people who like comedy and action movies and would like to find out details about the movie before they watch, buy or rent it. The language suits the document as it is colloquial- major, and contains the views of the writer- Smith gives a good performance. On the surface the text is about the film Bad Boys II. However there are deeper meaning and attitudes. The authors opinion is expressed openly in this review for example- I think that Columbia Pictures have only just made this a successful movie. This may not be an opinion which is shared by other critics but the general tone set throughout the review is that the movie was not as good as the first one. This is done by using language such as too long and too crude. This coheres with a comment earlier in the review- nothing is done in moderation. The format of the review starts with general information about the movie such as the amount of time it runs for. The first paragraph is about the characters and who they are played by. The roles that are played by these actors are also included. The second paragraph contains the main parts of the plot. In this paragraph a informal tone is set by using the characters surname- Smith and Lawrence. It is also shot by selecting parts of the plot out which suggest the roles that each detective plays, for example- Smith proves that he can drive and shoot at the same time and Lawrence checks to see how effective it is to shoot inside the vehicle. This shows knowledge of the movie which is entertaining for the reader to read and not that factual or relevant to the reader. The third paragraph is the writers views and knowledge of the director Bay. The writer uses hyperbole- theres at least a million bullets fired in one scene alone! This exaggeration emphasises that there is a lot of shooting in that scene but also in other scenes too. The reader knows that this is an overstatement because of the use of the exclamation mark and also the quantity a million, one scene lasts approximately fifteen minutes, it is very difficult to fire, or create the illusion of, one million bullets. There is also comparison between a scene in Bad Boys II and similar scenes in other major films that had been released in 2003. This shows that the writer has knowledge on the industry and makes a good persuasion tool to influences the reader to agree with the writer. The last paragraph is the authors views on the actors performances. The writer uses a simile- fit them like a glove, this shows that the roles/characters suited the actors and were played extremely well and were very convincing. The purpose of a review is to inform the reader of a product and to express your own opinions. Ina review the writer must be careful not to give too much information about the plot away. I think that this review achieved its purpose and that the plot was not revealed as the write mentions that there are twists in the plot but does not expose them, this creates anticipation within the reader of what is to come, this is a mild encouragement for the reader to watch the movie and find out. The views express may deter potential viewers so the writer must be careful not to give very strong opinions as people may get offended.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Jonathan Edwards Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Jonathan Edwards - Research Paper Example He was very much interested in different areas of science, ideologies and thoughts and especially in the world of philosophy (Sander-Cederlof, 1974). Edwards became very well aware of all the modern philosophical and theological issues and became familiar with the writing of John Locke and his ‘Essay concerning human understanding’ especially influenced Edward during the period of his study at Yale College. The ideological clashes and arguments between the orthodox Calvinism and its challenging movements such as Deism, Arianism and Angilical Arminianism were included in his studies along with such ideas as British Empiricism and continental Rationalism which were originated in Europe (Jonathan Edwards: Biography). Edwards was dedicated to express his innovative ideas in front of the great personalities of the Enlightenment. He synthesized protestant theology with Newton’s physics, the third earl of Shaftesbury’s aesthetics, Locke’s psychology and Mal ebranche’s moral philosophy and thereby provided a recasting to Calvinism. Metaphysics and natural philosophy were the other important areas of his interest and one could find his exclusive writings on this topics.
Monday, February 3, 2020
Criminalology Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Criminalology - Case Study Example el also views the community as the center of correctional treatment and feels that by reintegrating the individual back to the society, he/she will quit his/her deviant behaviors and uphold a living that will be beneficial both the him/her and the society (Restorative Justice, n.d.). When the community takes charge in maintaining and reintegrating the members who are deviant, least amount of security is necessary to maintain public safety. Everyone becomes aware that they have an important role to play and so deviance is discouraged. The Rational Basis Test is used to determine whether a law is constitutional. Therefore, according to the test or for a law to pass the rational basis test, it must be established that it is related to a legitimate government interest. So using the test, there must be a rational connection between the regulation and the legitimate interest put forward to justify it. If a law cannot pass the rational basis test, then it translates that it is not legitimate and cannot be used in the criminal justice system. The rational basis test is used mainly in cases where no fundamental rights are at stake. There must be an alternative means of exercising the right. As indicated earlier, the test establishes or tests whether an action taken by the government is reasonable and whether it may be legitimately pursued by the same. In simple words, the action taken must be rationally related to a given government action to be considered legitimate. There must be an alternative means of exercising the right that remains open to the offender. The offender has his rights and so the action taken must not close all avenues that he can use. Otherwise the action will not pass the Rational Basis Test. The social environment has significant effects on the correctional policies. For instance, the community plays a major role in the correction of offenders and most often it’s their failure that makes the person not to be integrated again in the community.
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Merger Between US Airways and American Airlines
Merger Between US Airways and American Airlines Merger between US Airways and American Airlines Mergers and Acquisitions On December 9th, 2013 the two airlines, US Airways and American Airlines merged to form the American Airline Group that turn out to be the major airline in the world. This merger was structured by the enlarged competition that airlines are countenancing in the business at present. The merger offered a prospect for both airlines to make use of the benefits of an extensive network that would effect subsequent to merging as countered to when each one operates separately. One of the foremost circumstances that encircled the merger was the imminent insolvency of American Airlines. The company in 2011 had filed for bankruptcy even though it relapsed to profitability the same year in July. The merger would enhance admission to opportunities of business for both airlines, particularly American Airlines that would decrease its coverage to financial risks, which were the preliminary grounds for the corporation filing for bankruptcy. The merger would generate enhanced synergies that would be ap parent in the course of increased flexibility and financial strength in the market (DePamphilis, 2008). Each of the entities merged would have admission to further destinations and bigger clientele. Each of them would admission to a bigger destinations network i.e. 300 destinations all around the world. They as well had a code share contract where customers would impeccably book their flights from any US Airways or American Airlines networks. Such controls are an enhancement to each of the airline’s ability and results to bigger business and performance. There are a variety of positive traits of this merger. One of the major advantages is that both airlines will have eminent penetration of market than what they had beforehand. This is since they will be creating on a daily basis more than 6,500 flights to above 300 destinations in additional than 50 countries all around the globe It effected in enlarged revenues and improved governance of most important routes. The American Airlines Group subsequent to the merger, is a foremost player in the Latin American global market of airline (CAPA center for aviation). Exploitation of these prospects directs to enhanced market performance and superior capability to compact with aggressive pressure. This is since the fresh airline company, subsequent to the merger, has additional resources at its disposal that direct to superior performance. An additional advantage of the merger is increase and diversification of the products offered by the airline (Boeh Beamish, 2007). Alongside the code sharing contract that permits air travelers to book their trip from any of the websites of company, there is improved access to one world association. This entails the improved opportunities of networking for the airline in the course of business agreements with further players in the industry for instance Iberia, British Airways, and Finnair. It lets the customers’ additional choices of air travel and unforgettable experiences of travelling crosswise a superior and more improved network. This develops levels of customer satisfaction and is necessary in developing loyalty of customer. The merger as well generates one of the finest-developed program of loyalty i.e. Advantage (American Airlines, 2014). Customers have superior access to prospect to possess and redeem miles crosswise the joint routes of both airlines. It constructs the customers gain from increased utilization of opportunities and capabilities in the wider market. It as well results in increased expediency for travelers, ensuing in cost savings. The fresh organizational structure has perceived the Doug Parker retention as the Chief executive officer of the fresh entity. The merger has, consequently, seen the construction of simply one chief executive’s place as opposite to two in view of the fact that each one of these companies had its individual chief executive formerly. There were as well considerable changes in the Board of Directors for the fresh company. The newly appointed Board of Directors incorporated four representatives of US Airways employees and as well five representatives for creditors of American Airlines. The preceding Boards of the separate entities did not have such representatives. Doug Parker was formerly the chairman and chief executive of US Airways. On the other hand beneath the new position, the chief executive will not be the chairman of the board. The preceding companies in particularly US Airways had a variety of groups that exercised to operate underneath the chief executive. Such groups incorporated corporate affairs, marketing and revenue group, and finance, in addition to the operations groups. However underneath the new corporation, there are no such groups. There were no chief changes in the practices of human resource subsequent to the merger. The fresh company, American Airlines Group, adopted the majority of its human resource strategies from US Airways and maintained the majority of its top managers. The foremost reason the corporation made no important changes in their human resource strategies is owing to reasons of business. They wanted to preserve their combined market share where employees contribute a vital role. They were acquainted with the fact that preserving their existing employees to a certain extent than recruiting new ones would simply utilize the more forceful worldwide network they had access to. This was reflected in the fresh setup where representatives of employee straightforwardly represented concerns of employee in the board of directors. This was intended at enhancing the satisfaction level of for these workers. This is since advanced levels of satisfaction enhance employee retention levels. The majority of these employees had served a lot of years in both airlines and their knowledge was very important for the success of the fresh airline company. The management at both companies had instituted that the majority of their non-impressive performances formerly, for instance those in 2011 that made American Airlines file for bankruptcy were primarily owing to callous market conditions. Employees had not added to the underperformance. The merger rendering the new entity to huge resources that might facilitate it to triumph over these market challenges. In actual fact the merger was seen as an prospect where the company would present the employees better compensation and benefits for their services (Bainbridge, 2003). It was perceive as a opportunity to close up the boil feuds that had been relentless among the two companies’ management and labor unions representing workers. This was additional widespread in American airlines than at US Airways. It concludes to union representatives being integrated in the Board of the fresh entity to make certain employee concerns were not looked downward upon. The retention of the majority of the employees and practically a parallel organizational structure is owing to the effectiveness of training such personnel on leadership qualities (Galpin Herndon, 2007). This is since the fresh entity would sustain minimal costs training these employees on facets of leadership in view of the fact that the airline had obtained a bigger global presence, as it turn out to be the biggest in the world. The development of leadership qualities in all its employees is decisive to the utilization of the opportunities offered by the bigger and more composite global market. Such employees are previously familiarized to the internal operations of the airline industry as opposite to new employees that would need substantial spending on induction and training. References American Airlines. (2014). AMR merger investor presentation. Retrieved on 8th March 2014 from Boeh, K. Beamish, P. (2007). Mergers and acquisitions: Text and cases. New York. Sage publications. Bainbridge, S. (2003). Mergers and acquisitions. London. Foundation press.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Concussions In the NFL
Concussions in the NFL have become much more prevalent, and the effects of these concussions appear to have become more severe, as this is a direct result of the development of player training systems. Over the past decade there has been vast improvements made in the training equipment and techniques used to train NFL players. This has inevitably resulted in players getting much stronger, faster, and bigger. Over the same period of time concussions have also systematically became more frequent as well.This has led many people to believe that there is some type of relationship between the improvements in player training and the increase of concussions over the course of a NFL season. The focus of the first paragraph of this essay will be on the overall increase of strength and size of players and how this relates to concussions. The second paragraph will focus on the amount of season and career ending concussion that have occurred this last season opposed to the amount before it.The t hird paragraph will focus on the studies, which have been conducted on past players that have showed they have some sort of brain damage, which has resulted from football related activity. The overall strength and size increase is most obvious on the offensive and defensive lines. Consider this in the mid 1970’s Randy white starred at defensive tackle for the Dallas Cowboys. White weighed 257 pounds, he lined up across from centers weighing 240 or 250 pounds and guards who were considered huge if they weighed 265.Last year's Super Bowl featured defensive tackles B.J. Raji who weighs 337 pounds and Casey Hampton who weighs 330 pounds versus guards Chris Kemoeatu who weighs 344 pounds and Josh Sitton who weighs 318 pounds. To put it in perspective Randy White who played Defensive Tackle and weighed 257 pounds weighs almost 20 pounds less than Baltimore Ravens rookie outside linebacker Courtney Upshaw who weighs in at a whopping 271 pounds. Upshaw is also much faster than White was. This is a prime example of how players have increased in size and strength over the years, and have become more effective in there positions.Which means that players at certain positions will have programs specifically designed for them to get bigger and stronger. But players have not just gotten bigger they have also gotten faster. This increase in weight, overall strength, and speed is clearly a result of the developments that have been over the years in player training systems. With players looking more like modern day Roman Gladiators than football players, there is no wonder why concussions have been occurring more frequently. Over the past decade there has been a drastic increase in recorded concussions over the course of an entire NFL season including practice.From pre-season week 1 of the 2011-12 of the NFL season until week 17 regular season 2011-12 there was 167 concussions 12 of those resulted in players being placed on IR (Injured Reserve) which means they are inact ive for the entire season (season ending). Over the exact same period of time in the 2007-08 season there were only 115 documented concussions and only 4 of those resulted in Players being placed on the IR. That is a 48% increase in total concussions and 33% in season ending concussions, in just 4 seasons.So one can only imagine the increase that you would see from the early 1990’s to now, if concussions were documented as thoroughly then as they are now. This increase in concussions over such a short period of time is a direct result of player training systems, because in 2008 most NFL teams ran 5 2 a day practices per week in training camps, which only included 3 2 hour weight training sessions. But heading in to 2011-12 season most teams were running 5 2 a day practices and 1 3 a day practices, and the majority of those camps ran 4 3 hour weight training sessions.There have been several studies conducted on brains of ex-NFL players the most recent of those players is Junio r Seau. Seau committed suicide on May, 2, 2012 after a lengthy 19 year NFL career. Junior Seau suffered from chronic traumatic encephalopathy CTE, which is believed to have been partially induced by all the blows to the head that he has taken. Junior started showing symptoms of CTE at the conclusion of the 2007-08 season these symptoms include impulsivity, forgetfulness, depression, and sometimes-suicidal ideation.The time period in which Seau’s family said he started showing signs of CTE is coincidentally the same period of time that NFL teams started to increase the length of practice and conditioning exercises. Throughout the course of Seau’s 19 year playing career he played at least 13 games in every season up until the 2004-05 season and up until his retirement after the 2008-09 season he only managed a measly average of 8 games per season. He suffered 3 undocumented concussions according to his family and 2 more documented ones over the same time period.Junior is not the only ex-NFL player to be diagnosed, more than 30 NFL players have in recent years been diagnosed with CTE, a condition once known as â€Å"punch drunk†because it affected boxers who had taken multiple blows to the head. The increase of player’s size and strength in the NFL in recent years has a direct correlation with the increase in concussions. This evident by the 48% increase in total concussions since the 2007-08 season, and the 33% increase in season ending concussions.The facts that Junior Seau was virtually concussion free his entire career, which spanned 19 years up until the 2004-05 NFL season. Despite the advances in medical sciences and protective player equipment, it is just not enough to protect these mammoth NFL players from concussing one another. The first of two literary devices that I used was a metaphor â€Å"With players looking more like modern day Roman Gladiators than football players†This sentence suggests modern NFL players ex hibit many of the same traits that Roman Gladiators once exhibited.This sentence supports my argument because; the increase in player training technologies has essentially turned players into gladiators. The second literary device that I used was Irony â€Å"he started showing signs of CTE is coincidentally the same period of time that NFL teams started to increase the length of practice†this is ironic because it is not a coincidence at all there is clearly a direct correlation between length of conditioning/weight training exercises and amount of sustained concussions. Concussions In the NFL Concussions in the NFL have become much more prevalent, and the effects of these concussions appear to have become more severe, as this is a direct result of the development of player training systems. Over the past decade there has been vast improvements made in the training equipment and techniques used to train NFL players. This has inevitably resulted in players getting much stronger, faster, and bigger. Over the same period of time concussions have also systematically became more frequent as well.This has led many people to believe that there is some type of relationship between the improvements in player training and the increase of concussions over the course of a NFL season. The focus of the first paragraph of this essay will be on the overall increase of strength and size of players and how this relates to concussions. The second paragraph will focus on the amount of season and career ending concussion that have occurred this last season opposed to the amount before it. The third paragraph will focus on the studies, which have been conducted on past players that have showed they have some sort of brain damage, which has resulted from football related activity.The overall strength and size increase is most obvious on the offensive and defensive lines. Consider this in the mid 1970’s Randy white starred at defensive tackle for the Dallas Cowboys. White weighed 257 pounds, he lined up across from centers weighing 240 or 250 pounds and guards who were considered huge if they weighed 265. Last year's Super Bowl featured defensive tackles B.J. Raji who weighs 337 pounds and Casey Hampton who weighs 330 pounds versus guards Chris Kemoeatu who weighs 344 pounds and Josh Sitton who weighs 318 pounds. To put it in perspective Randy White who played Defensive Tackle and weighed 257 pounds weighs almost 20 pounds less than Baltimore Ravens rookie outside linebacker Courtney Upshaw who weighs in at a whopping 271 pounds. Upshaw is also much faster than White was.This is a prime example of how players have increased in size and strength over the years, and have become more effective in there positions. Which means that players at certain positions will have programs specifically designed for them to get bigger and stronger. But players have not just gotten bigger they have also gotten faster. This increase in weight, overall strength, and speed is clearly a result of the developments that have been over the years in player training systems. With players looking more like modern day Roman Gladiators than football players, there is no wonder why concussions have been occurring more frequently.Over the past decade there has been a drastic increase in recorded concussions over the course of an entire NFL season including practice. From pre-season week 1 of the 2011-12 of the NFL season until week 17 regular season 2011-12 there was 167 concussions 12 of those resulted in players being placed on IR (Injured Reserve) which means they are i nactive for the entire season (season ending). Over the exact same period of time in the 2007-08 season there were only 115 documented concussions and only 4 of those resulted in Players being placed on the IR.That is a 48% increase in total concussions and 33% in season ending concussions, in just 4 seasons. So one can only imagine the increase that you would see from the early 1990’s to now, if concussions were documented as thoroughly then as they are now. This increase in concussions over such a short period of time is a direct result of player training systems, because in 2008 most NFL teams ran 5 2 a day practices per week in training camps, which only included 3 2 hour weight training sessions. But heading in to 2011-12 season most teams were running 5 2 a day practices and 1 3 a day practices, and the majority of those camps ran 4 3 hour weight training sessions.There have been several studies conducted on brains of ex-NFL players the most recent of those players is J unior Seau. Seau committed suicide on May, 2, 2012 after a lengthy 19 year NFL career. Junior Seau suffered from chronic traumatic encephalopathy CTE, which is believed to have been partially induced by all the blows to the head that he has taken. Junior started showing symptoms of CTE at the conclusion of the 2007-08 season these symptoms include impulsivity, forgetfulness, depression, and sometimes-suicidal ideation.The time period in which Seau’s family said he started showing signs of CTE is coincidentally the same period of time that NFL teams started to increase the length of practice and conditioning exercises. Throughout the course of Seau’s 19 year playing career he played at least 13 games in every season up until the 2004-05 season and up until his retirement after the 2008-09 season he only managed a measly average of 8 games per season. He suffered 3 undocumented concussions according to his family and 2 more documented ones over the same time period. J unior is not the only ex-NFL player to be diagnosed, more than 30 NFL players have in recent years been diagnosed with CTE, a condition once known as â€Å"punch drunk†because it affected boxers who had taken multiple blows to the head.The increase of player’s size and strength in the NFL in recent years has a direct correlation with the increase in concussions. This evident by the 48% increase in total concussions since the 2007-08 season, and the 33% increase in season ending concussions. The facts that Junior Seau was virtually concussion free his entire career, which spanned 19 years up until the 2004-05 NFL season. Despite the advances in medical sciences and protective player equipment, it is just not enough to protect these mammoth NFL players from concussing one another.The first of two literary devices that I used was a metaphor â€Å"With players looking more like modern day Roman Gladiators than football players†This sentence suggests modern NFL pla yers exhibit many of the same traits that Roman Gladiators once exhibited. This sentence supports my argument because; the increase in player training technologies has essentially turned players into gladiators. The second literary device that I used was Irony â€Å"he started showing signs of CTE is coincidentally the same period of time that NFL teams started to increase the length of practice†this is ironic because it is not a coincidence at all there is clearly a direct correlation between length of conditioning/weight training exercises and amount of sustained concussions.
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